


Jun 24, 2023
Hello, I’m a fairly new peacock owner. I live on 20 acres with a lot of other farm animals. My peacock is about 12 months old. He’s been locked up in his adult cage for 3 months & did great. I wanted to free range him along with my chickens. about 2 months ago I let him out. He’s done great, up until today. We had a scare about a month ago when he disappeared. I found him up in a tree. He came down the next day. Today when I left for work he was in the yard. When I got home he was no where to be found!!! Help will he come back ? Did I do something wrong? He loves it here. I don’t see why he would run away. Him & my pigs are best friends!! He’s very missed. Any suggestions welcome.
Thank you so much! I’m so sorry if I posted wrong. I’m still trying to figure this out! 🌻
No you did great! We can usually help with most questions however you can get more detailed help by posting in certain forums. I tagged a couple of members, hopefully they stop by here soon. They both keep Peas.

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