
  1. W

    Bare chicken butt? How to stop another from pecking

    Hello! I am a novice chicken mom with three 8-month old hens-2 of which just started laying last month. One of the egg layers is picking on the other - specifically her butt. At first I thought was mites and checked but didn’t see anything; also cleaned the coop. Then questioned their...
  2. B

    California White Bullied and Now Injured

    Hello. We recently started this new adventure of raising chickens. We came home with 4 Wyandottes, 2 Amberlinks, and 1 California White. All was fine for a few hours but suddenly the California White was bleeding and being attacked. We’ve cleaned the wound, add antibiotic and isolated her...
  3. BettyDavis

    Newbie - Pecking or Vent Gleet or Mites?

  4. bacibeau

    3yo Sisters Fighting in Coop

    Hello everyone! I have had my four chickens for the past three years and they have all gotten along fine with no fights or anything. Recently, I noticed that two of the four have been sleeping inside of the nesting boxes instead of on the roost. When I went to push them out of the boxes and...
  5. S

    Hen pecking chick vents until bloody. Wound care help please.

    Hi everyone. Looking for some advice. One of my Duccle hens hatched out her first chicks. She's 6 or 7 months old. The chicks are 10 days old today. Everything was going well until tonight I hear what sounds like distress from the chicks. Mama hen has pecked two of the chicks around the vent...
  6. nugget04

    Wrapped my chicken's wings due to pecking sores

    Some background: My chicken (about 3 years old- Plymouth Rock) has self-inflicted pecking sores on the top side of both of her wings. She has had a problem with keeping feathers on the lower half of her body since I got her (over two years ago), and despite giving her additional vitamins and...
  7. U

    Olive Eggers Pecking

    Hello! I've been having feather pecking issues for the first time and it's lasted months! We've downsized our flock to see if that would help but I fear it's a habit now and I'm not sure how to snap them out of it. I've noticed it has been worst with my Olive Eggers. They seem like they cannot...
  8. C

    Reintroduce quarantine chicken

    I have a chicken I have separated for about 2 weeks. She is often in sight of the other chickens, and sleeps in the cage inside the coop at night, I have tried to reintroduce her free range, she gets pecked. It wasn’t to bad, but when we put her in the run, she walked in the coop and was...
  9. ChickaChicka1

    One chick pecking others feathers constantly

    I have 5 Barred Rock chicks in the brooder right now. They are all about 1.5 weeks old (almost 2). There is 2 of them that don't peck anyone else at all, but the other 3 keep pecking everyone's feathers growing in, specifically on the two that don't peck. Especially one, Chickadee, who also...
  10. C

    Fighting flock after rooster culled?

    Need advice. We culled our rooster about 2 weeks ago as half the girls had bare backs and shoulders, he put a gaping wound on the side of one and was starting to attack me. Things were going okay. Now there are a lot of side fights going on in the hen population. I have 16 hens. I know the...
  11. Lindamaeb

    Feathers not growing back

    We have two hens who are at the top of the pecking order. Literally. They’ve pulled feathers from all the others. We tried using a no peck application but that didn’t help. Five of the hens wear aprons. One has had an apron on for a number of months…. Looked at her today and she’s still...
  12. PrettyBirdRocky

    6 week old Easter egger pecking / attack older chicks / hens

    Alright. I suspect I know the answer. And while I know this "suspected roo" is just attacking those not "in his flock", I'm not sure if he'll outgrow it. ?? We have 3 - 6week old boys, hatched ourselves(easter eggers. Blue Wheaten Ameraucana is sire from local breeder), and obviously they play...
  13. Old Spice

    Stop chickens from pecking your legs

    My chickens developed a bad habit. They think I'm made out of food so they were constantly pecking my legs. Even through my jeans it often hurt. It's surprising how hard they can pinch. I cut two pieces of roof flashing the right size to wrap around my legs under my pant legs. When I went in...
  14. KimbosKluckers

    Chicken discipline? 😂

    My 7 week old gals are quite the peckers! Sometimes it even hurts a bit. Right now I wear boots and jeans but I’m terrified when it’s warm enough to wear shorts 😩 What does everyone else do? Just armor up?
  15. N

    Do chicks jump/peck at each other when they are sad?

    We got our new chicks one week ago. This is also our first time raising chicks. They were doing fine the past week but last night one of them died. We are not exactly sure why but after a lot of research today, we think sudden death syndrome. Anyway, all of sudden today the other 3 seem to...
  16. D

    Tail Feather Pecking

    Hey folks! I have 4 three month old pullets that I bought 2 weeks ago. Its a small flock of hens with 2 ISA Brown and 2 Azur. In the last week I noticed that the Brown's have been Pecking at the Azur's tail feathers. They don't seem to mind at all but their tail feathers are balding. They don't...
  17. B

    Quail pecking…

    I got two new female quails for my male quail. They seem to feel comfortable with each other and not threatened. Playing and eating together. However one female has started to try and peck either the male or other female if they get near. I don’t want the other two to feel uncomfortable in...
  18. ChickenLoverTrin

    Broody hen?

    Hi all, I have a frizzle named Crackle, and over the past week, she has been sitting in her box with the other hens surrounding her. When I go up close to the other hens, they seem like they are in a trance and don't acknowledge that I'm there. I'm getting the eggs out at the moment, after a lot...
  19. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
  20. H

    Top hen being pecked?! Any advice?!

    Hello all, I'm new to henwiffery and will have had my first hens for 2 weeks tomorrow. They are 3 ex-commercial rescues, all pretty tatty and sorry looking on arrival but really finding their feet now! As there is only the three of them it's been pretty easy to determine who ranks where in the...
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