pest control

  1. ChicksofHeaven

    Guinea fowl for pest control?

    Hello friends. We moved to an 18 acre hobby farm in the past year. I have three chickens (hens) for eggs. We have noticed a few mice in the garage, and have been considering introducing a barn cat to manage that situation. However, in the summer we have tons of crickets ( I mean tons! ) and...
  2. B

    "First Saturday" lime/barn lime vs. regular crushed lime/garden lime

    Hello! First post, and I did search around the forum a bit, but didn't find my exact question. I would like to try lime in my chicken run to help with flies, moisture control, and odor. My TSC is not conveniently located, and I'd to get it ASAP. Is regular garden lime from Lowe's or Home Depot...
  3. woknrouen

    Small flying bugs in duck coop

    I went to clean my duck coop this morning and saw it was infested with small flying, jumping black bugs. They were crawling around in the straw bedding. It has been pouring rain for a week straight so the straw in my run was super wet and dirty. The back of the run that turns into the fully...
  4. K

    how to fumigate without harming ducks

    hi! my house is currently full of bedbugs and we need to fumigate asap!! but i’m so worried that the garden my duck is in will get contaminated and then harm her… she often digs holes and catches worms so i wanna be safe!!! any advice?? thank you!
  5. DieterleCompound

    Natural remedies for flying pests

    I’m wildly green in all things chicken, was hoping someone out there had some advice or direction for natural remedies for flying pests. (Buffalo gnats, flies, mosquitos) I’ve attempted to search the internet and the forums on here for information/insight on the matter with trouble. Would...
  6. P

    What’s a safe pesticide for lawn?

    Hello, lately I’ve been getting bit by some type of tiny bug, the bites stay on me for a while and they itch like crazy so I’m guessing my girls are getting these little annoying nats bugging them as well. What is a safe or the best pesticide to use around the run and yard that can help with...
  7. C

    Old log coop, dirt floor, straw attic… mite/lice control?

    Hi all! I’m a long time lurker, and I know there are lots of similar posts but I haven’t seen any that *quite* match my situation. Please bear with me if I give too much information! I recently had a young chick pass away. She’s not the first to die, it happens once in a while, but I’d brought...
  8. AngelaY

    Any tricks for getting rid of rats?

    Early this summer, we started noticing signs of rats around the yard. About A week later we saw one. A few weeks later they were a common sight, and their holes were EVERYWHERE! We've tried so many things to try to get rid of them but nothing works (even with a hunter cat that kills up to 7 rats...
  9. newb1rdmom

    Maggots & Flies

    I don’t know if this is the right section to post this but I hope it is.. I’m not sure how much of a threat flies or maggots pose to guinea fowl or chickens but ever since I placed my guineas outside in their pen flies have swarmed and swarmed. A few weeks ago I noticed maggots in the mud/dirt...
  10. Backyardchickengirl

    Mosquito spraying. How far away from birds?

    Hi, I have a professional service spray my front and backyard once a month in the summer for biting insects. It's crazy no seeum and mosquito season here in Florida. How far away from the coops and runs should I tell the pest company to spray (or not spray) for my bird safety?
  11. R

    Must have supplies for clean coop

    I have 3 chickens and 18 in the brooder I'm about to add to the coop. I'm still new and learning a lot. What are the best supplies to keep a clean and pest free coop? Let me know your best management practices.
  12. Vadard

    Black australorps vs fire ants

    Hey y’all, I’ve got 5 black Aussie chicks (that are stinkin’ cute btw) who’ll be living in a tractor when they get bigger. We have a ton of fire ants here. Will the aussies eat fire ants? Just curious. Thanks!
  13. angela27

    Treating Coop for pests

    What is the safest and most effective way to treat a coop for pests, in particular stick fast fleas? I have dirt floors and wanna treat this, but scared of using something that might make the chickens sick if they injest it. During the day between 6am and 6pm they free range, so could...
  14. Phantom_k9

    How to handle pest around chicken coop?

    I am not sure where to post this, so I am putting this down as a potential health issue for my flock... Here in Texas, spring and summer brings a lot of bugs and pest that we have to deal with. One of the more prominent pest we have is Wasp, paper Wasp (and Dirt Dobbers, Yellow Jackets...
  15. Herittavityuk

    Raccoon attack

    so last night, my hens got attacked by a raccoon that just the other day picked a fight with my dog. He found out how to unhitch the nesting box and went after my smallest hen. Thankfully we heard the screaming and were able to fight of the raccoon, but he put up a real fight. The only injuries...
  16. L

    Rats living the dream

    Greetings fellow chicken heads! A quick question if I may, nothing unusual but seeking advice for a speedy solution. We have an infestation formed under our wooden decking in the garden, as you can imagine they are rapidly expanding and it's getting out of hand. We are in the UK, have taken a...
  17. m1chelle1

    Ducks or other waterfowl as pest control in cranberry bogs?? Need Help Brainstorming! :)

    Hello BYC Fam! This is a cross-post from my Permies account... Long story short, ive been looking to buy a (preferably) organic farm and have successfully found a fantastic affordable one, full of potential! Needless to say ive been doing my research on it and cant seem to find anything on...
  18. C

    Best Feeder to keep squirrels and mice out?

    I have been researching the internet lately. looking for the best chicken feeder that will keep my darn squirrels (during the day) and Mice(at night) out of the food. There are several out there just don't know which one to get. would love to hear what others have used and recommend. thanks!
  19. E

    Chipmunk in the coop...problem?

    I have at least one chipmunk around that sneaks into coop and eats the this a problem? Are they dangerous to the chickens? The chickens don’t seem to mind and I don’t think there’s an easy way to keep the feed safe besides trapping the chipmunk...just wonder if this is necessary or we...
  20. L

    Best chicken breed for tick control?

    Hi all, I live in southern Ontario, and this year is looking to be BAD for ticks and biting insects. I'm wondering about chickens for insect control (so, good foragers, I guess?). As well, they would need to be cold- reasonably heat-tolerant. Thanks in advance!
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