pigeon advice

  1. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Hello! A bit of backstory first: I was at the beach a little over a week ago and found two pigeon eggs that had fallen from the nest. Both were cracked but when I candled them with my phone flashlight, one had a devoloping embryo. I couldn't reach the nest to put them back so I took the eggs...
  2. ElGoose

    Interested in pigeon or dove keeping

    So I’m a poultry gal, I love my geese like no other - however yesterday my friend brought her pigeon with her and we told her it’s fine to come inside and hang out in our room. The issue is - I fell in love with it! I’ve always thought pigeons are cute but this pigeon spent the whole visit on...
  3. H

    Pigeon with diarrhea

    Hello 👋 I bought two female Pigeons as house pets from a Pigeon show they are small rollers My older one is a year and she has diarrhea and is nesting a lot since I got her she has laid about 10 or 9 eggs sense November and it's now January She has watery diarrhea and the other one so far...
  4. ThomasStan

    Loft/Aviary designs!

    Hi all! I'm planning my process of getting pigeons next spring, and I am struggling with trying to find a proper loft/aviary that I could put them in. I originally (and still) want to build it myself, but if I find one on Kijiji I will inquire buying it. Just wanted to know if anyone has...
  5. alex love pigeon

    Why My Pigeon Lost After I Release it and Not Returning Home

    Everyone I just released my pigeon yesterday hoping it can return to my home. i release him at the early morning but after a while, he doesn't return. i'm so sad right now. i also wonder why he did not return. he is a white male pigeon. he is just 5-6 months old. usually, i release him around my...
  6. Saaniya

    Can Pigeon Pox Kills

    so me and my friend catch a pigeon on 8th evening he seems like a baby pigeon and have pox severely on feet’s(only on feet) we checked his eyes beak inside of beak everything clear only feet affected , we bring him home clean his feet with mild soap , applied some betadine he seems fine on the...
  7. A

    Any pigeon experts on here?

    I need pigeon experts and pigeon vets to follow on here please
  8. Iownmuscovies

    Rescued baby dove, what do I do?

    Hello, I just found a scared baby dove in my backyard today. She’s very quiet and literally does not move or make noise she just stands there like a brick. She doesn’t eat or drink, I don’t see any injuries on her. I’ve been with her for many hours and she hasn’t consumed any food but she’s had...
  9. NinjaGamer2022

    Are fantail pigeons happy in a large outdoor aviary? Inhumaine?

    Are there breeds of fantail pigeons that would be have in a LARGE outdoor aviary (like 100+ sq ft)? In the further future I could see owning some ONLY IF they would be happy birds. I have been told some breeds of fantail can't fly well. Thank you.
  10. NinjaGamer2022

    Homing Pigeon questions

    I was wondering for those who have owned homing pigeons: #1. Can the pigeons be tamed and enjoy your company? #2. Will they return to they're loft often? #3. How likely will a predator kill them? #4. Can they be trained to come back to a loft if I ever moved? #5. Are males or females...
  11. FathertoFeathers

    Questions about Pigeons and their care

    I have a friend who has just found out he is in need of a double lung transplant and is looking to get rid of his birds. Yesterday he offered me two male pigeons a fantail and I believe the other is a homing but I’m not sure. I’d love to take them as he’s wanting them to go to a good home...
  12. I

    New member in San Diego

    Hi all! I’m a new member in San Diego. I have rescue pigeons as pets and am looking to connect with other pigeon people to ask/answer questions, share tips, find available pigeons, etc.
  13. Jordan01

    One bullied pigeon

    I got 4 white homers about a month ago, one mated pair and 2 younger adults i was hoping would bond. The pair now has a nest with 2 eggs inside and have been aggressive to the others but one poor pidge is being brutalized by all 3 birds. I dont know if its male or female but i call her a girl...
  14. P

    Advice first pair ever?

    Hi can i have some advice I have owned a male fantail as a pet for a good while he is shy but a real darling and we decided to get him a wife another Indian fantail lovely little thing all white he instantly started doing dancing and cooing as well as puffy up but attacked her and i soon...
  15. K

    Pigeon paring?

    I have 3 pigeons. Two nest mates who are around 2 months old, the third bird is a 8 month old male. He seems lonely and like he’s looking for a mate (even sporadically attacking the younger two). Should I get him a mate? or should I wait for the other two to get older he can pair with the...
  16. Rabi Gabriel

    HELP Something is WRONG with my PIGEON

    Last month I got Fancy Pigeons (Full grown Adult) for my father's birthday .. (Everything was good, eating well, running around making happy noises) Today in the Morning my dad found the male pigeon siting in a corner not moving to eat or drink. Dad took him out of the cage Pearl's (male)...
  17. Aaron nassery

    I got a issue ladies and gents that I need your help with.

    I was looking at some incubators and I kept seeing the same ones over and over and I was wondering if any of you guys/girls had any experience with them and if you can possibly tell me your thoughts on them. Which on is worth it? Which one would you buy? How do they hold temperature/humidity ...
  18. DotTheHen

    The Pigeon Palaces and Dove Dorms of BYC

    Welcome! I have made this thread specifically to show off your lofts, aviaries, and other setups for the pigeons and doves of BYC. The chickens have their stunning and elaborate coops flaunted, so why can't we do the same? It's simple... Just post some pictures of your setup (and maybe show...
  19. ReseisCL16

    Russian Tumblers??

    Hey there all! I'm back with more pigeon questions! Since I first bought Portuguese tumblers 3 years ago, I have absolutely fallen in love with pigeons! Now I've got a loft full of white Homers and a smaller loft for my Ports. I love to watch them dive and swoop (although I've yet to see any...
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