Hey Everyone, I know Polish are notoriously difficulty to sex, but I'm hoping some experts here might have a clue for my 9 week old Polish. I've had the worst of luck with roo's this year so I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this little one is a hen.
What do you guys think?
Sorry for not...
Enjoy these pics of my silly new babies, born May 20. I know their tell tale crest shape will indicate male/female when they're older. But is there anything else to look for? We haven't had Polish before now.
I have just purchased four Tolbunt Polish, I'm unsure of how to sex them as none seem to have any comb or wattles. They seem to have feathers in their crests as well as around the backs of their necks growing in which in my mind means roosters. Needing another opinion. (Pictures are all of the...
This little Polish chick hatched 6/5.
It was having trouble hatching after being pipped for almost 24 hours so I did help it hatch. Its left leg doesn’t seem to be very strong. We currently have a straw/hair tie set up trying to help but it still doesn’t seem to be helping. Today is the first...
Hi all! I had my first broody hen and while she had 5 eggs, only one made it to hatching. I learned a lot through the experience. The broody hen was my bantam Cochin and the one egg that hatched was actually her egg! My roo is a Polish. I’m curious what you all think of this chick as I haven’t...
Hi everyone!
I’m in a new chicken keeper, and I got 2 polish chicks. The lady I got them from said they’re about 8 weeks old but from other pictures I’ve seen, they seem a bit small. Anyway, I think I have a pullet and a cockerel but I’m not 100% sure. I’d like some help! :)
(the pictures...
I have two buff laced polish. Both are now 9 weeks old. I know they are tricky to sex this young, but wanted to post and see what people’s opinions were? There is a darker one and a lighter coloured one. Photos of them together, then two of the lighter and two of the darker.
Golden laced Polish from feed store, labeled as pullets. 6 weeks old. Is Cheeto a girl or boy?
Hair might say boy. Comb and waddle both have a scratch on them, but what do we think besides the scratches? The air is very dry here, which may be contributing to scratches and retained sheathes...
I have two buff laced polish chicks. They are both 6 weeks old and from the same hatch. Curious if there are any opinions on roo vs pullet? First two pictures are of the lighter one, third is the darker one with the bigger crest. Last picture shows both. No signs of wattles yet!
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and my family just got our first flock of chickens! I'm really excited but it's an odd situation. Basically a family friend had to give away four Silkie hens due to city regulations and we were able to take them in. She also went to a poultry swapand surprised...
I got sucked into the chicken craze by being around some cuties for a while. ( I had some many many years ago when we first moved to Texas) I bought Cochin bantam chicks almost 2 years ago and have found that only one is a true Cochin bantam. The rooster has been identified as a Satin, I hadn’t...
Hello, thank you for reading!
My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help.
Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
Hi friends!
So I have 8 chicks, two were labeled “assorted Polish crested”. The one absolutely looks like a Polish, but I’m unsure on this black one. Someone said he might be a crevecoeur, but I’m not sure how to tell the difference? He’s about 5 weeks old in this photo and he just started...
My polish almost died last week after I found she was retaining an egg. She was able to pass the egg (it was her normal sized egg) ~36hrs and it wasn’t broken but she’s had this butt ever since. Help! Her poop hasn’t gotten better or worse since then and it’s been 1.5wks. Her personality has...
I got a few chicks from our local farm store which is supplied by Hoovers. This is my first polish, but, I have raised over 100 chicks, so I am not new to chick raising. This baby was pretty small in the cage. She appears malnourished. She is not drinking/eating on her own, however...