
  1. C

    Prolapsed Vent in baby chick???

    Hi there, I’m new to backyard chickens so I apologize if I’m not posting in the appropriate forum but I believe my baby quail rescue has a prolapsed vent and I’m hoping someone here can confirm/ deny and offer some kind of advice. Bailey had a fairly mild case of pasty butt last night, so we...
  2. D

    Bleeding prolapsed vent - urgent PHOTO WARNING

    *GRUESOME PHOTO WARNING* I need help :( my sweet girl is experiencing what I believe to be some kind of vent prolapse but I’m not sure the cause. I’m doing Epsom baths and electrolytes in her water. I haven’t fed her in 24 hours because I saw some people say to not do food and let her body rest...
  3. Turkey Girl

    Turkey with a Vent Prolapse

    Hi. Last week I discovered my eight-year-old narragansett hen had a vent prolapse. I went through the procedure of repeatedly pushing the prolapse back inside, and it hasn't stayed in on its own over the past seven days. I have kept her in the dark, and she has passed two eggs--both the size of...
  4. The Welch Chickens

    Day 2 of prolapse - emergency!

    I’m posting this for a friend whose hen has had prolapse yesterday and today. Here is what’s been happening. Yesterday late afternoon my friend noticed blood on her hen and found it was prolapse. She removed the hen from the flock, cleaned the area by spraying with lots of warm water and...
  5. HannahRose98

    Prolapse vent and possible vent gleet?

    My girl has a prolapsed vent and some type of yellowish paste on her vent too. I’ve been giving her epsom salt baths everyday and keeping the vent clean the best I can. I’ve been trying to push it back in after cleaning once or twice a day but it keeps coming back out. Should I just leave it...
  6. lwolsin

    Prolapse and bullying

    My sweet girl buttercup has been laying large then usual eggs the past few weeks. Because of this she has gotten a small prolapse. I have been spraying her daily with Vetericyn and she was doing well but now I’m noticing she is being bullied!! Poor thing is getting pecked like crazy on her...
  7. H

    Help! Dead Chick with Gaping Vent!! **WARNING GRAPHIC PIC**

    Woke up to two of my 5 week old chicks dead with gaping vents. I am not sure what happened. They are 2 of 15 in a brooder on my porch since the weather is warming up and they aren't needing a heat lamp. They've been on the porch for a little over a week and it's been fine. They get feed and...
  8. H

    Help please! Chicken in shock post surgery

    I have a sapphire gem that had a severe vent prolapse and egg binding corrected with vet surgery yesterday afternoon. Since the procedure, she has seemed to be in shock from everything I have read. Lethargic, won’t move much, sleeping and breathing deeply. I have her in a large dog kennel in a...
  9. kelseym330

    Day Old Ducklings with Umbilicus Prolapse & Unabsorbed Yolk Sac

    Hey y'all, brand new to BYC so I appreciate any and ALL help and advice you have to offer. I had placed an egg in the incubator that appeared to be one laid by my sweet east indie girl, farrah.. much to my surprise it was actually a rare and weird white egg that is either one of my australorps...
  10. B

    Hard white poo like substance protruding out of call ducks bum

    I noticed my 7 month old call duck acting weird and was worried she was egg bound as I know they recently started laying (we have 10 so not sure if she actually has yet or not) and when I managed to grab her a very hard poop like thing is protruding out of her vent. I lubed her up and soaked her...
  11. R

    Possible prolapse in 8 day old chick?

    I am brand new to chickens and we have 8 or 9 day old baby chicks. This one had pasty butt that I noticed this morning. Pictures are before I soaked her butt and then a few hours later. Is it possible she has a prolapse? Or is her vent just irritated and swollen from the pasty butt? If she does...
  12. froggyphore

    Urgent - possible necrotic prolapse (graphic images)

    (Graphic images ahead) I have a 3 year old EE hen who had a messy behind. I didn't get to it the last two days and tonight when I cleaned it up in the bath I realized there was a big problem. What initially looked and felt like a very hard stuck case of pasty vent seems to be a necrotic prolapse...
  13. T

    Just hatched chick had a bleed - protruding vent?

    My kids and I just hatched our second chick but when the chick finally got the bottom half of the egg off and broke free of the yolk sac cord there was some blood- appears to be coming from the vent or rear? Is this a protruding vent? Bleeding stopped very quickly but I’m worried about infection.
  14. A

    5 mo, laying for a week, broken egg or prolapse?!

    I noticed our 5 mo bluebell egger in the corner of the run yesterday, with her wings down and tail down. She’s a spitfire so I knew something was off. She was normal this morning eating eggs and snacks and drinking water, this pm she was back to her quiet ways. Gave her an epsom salt warm bath...
  15. mitsuara


    I went out to see my chickens and my 2 year old wyandotte had laid an egg in the middle of her dust bath area. (not normal) She was standing a few feet away with a little bit of poop under her butt, clearly straining to poop more. When she did, something bright red came out with the poop...
  16. E

    Stuck egg in vent, causing prolapse. Now trouble passing poop.

    My chicken had an egg stuck in her vent which caused a prolapse. We were able to get the egg out and push the vent back in. It has been two days now and her vent hasn’t Prolapses again. She was doing well with pooping and eating but now she has slowed down with eating and is having a hard time...
  17. The chicken nurd

    Sick hen?

    I noticed one of my hens is acting weird. Do you guys have any thoughts Her poop looks odd ill post a picture in the morning she's straining and squatting like she’s trying to poop but can’t and when I picked her up to check it looked like she had something fleshy come out of her vent, but it...
  18. Wandering_r0gue

    Serial Prolapse

    I have had 3 hens in the last few weeks show signs of varying degrees of prolapse. I've been trying to researching into causes to see if it is anything I am doing and what I can do to fix it. I have been treating them with witch hazel, and 2 seem to be ok, but just had the third show it today...
  19. G

    Possible prolapse?

    Hello! One of my hens (around 1 year old) has what I believe is possibly a prolapse. I’ve tried soaking her in an Epsom salt bath, gently tried pushing it back in and have separated her from the rest of the flock. She doesn’t seem in distress or pain but I imagine it is possibly painful by the...
  20. seven possums

    Prolapsed hen - oral antibiotics, yes or no?

    Hello all. Quick & dirty background: Backyard flock of 4, all ~2 y/o, no issues until now, wood coop & covered run, hay & wood shavings + PDZ in coop. Magnolia is a 1.5 y/o white leghorn, between 2-3lb, adopted w/2 others last fall from MSPCA-Nevins Farm in MA as rescues from an abuse/neglect...
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