So, I purchased four new chicks from Kahoots today… I still have my 8.5 weekers inside… or, I did… do I need to keep the older ones outside, so, the new hatches are quarantined? I was going to clean the crate that they are in and keep them inside for the night, but it occurred to me that maybe...
New chicken owner here (about 6 months) and I have 6 gorgeous gals of different breeds
Earlier last week we spent two nights away from home for the holidays - girls have automatic door and we ask the neighbor just to check they go in at night.
The night we returned we checked the...
Morning everyone
I have a sick hen. I'm treating her now and was wondering. How long after her symptoms stop can I reintroduce her to the main flock? She's still sick right now but not sure how long to wait to put her back when she's better.
I have a Pekin duck I took in and it was born (I've been told) with toes curled in and crooked legs. It walks really oddly- One leg is often back at an angle and the other is at an angle too. Anyways I tried to do the make a splint thing but it didn't like it and couldn't move at all with them...
Concerned for my rescued hen.
Hey y’all, this here is roadrunner our first rescued hen. we’ve had her about a month and 2ish weeks now, my partner and his coworkers ended up spotting her in a very busy part of our town when heading home for the day. we assume she’s a young hen as she’s smaller...
I made the biggest mistake when I started quarantining 2 new chicks, 8 weeks old. I got them from a very reputable person who's raising chickens. The chicks are vaccinated from Merricks and coccidiosis. The hatchery recommends that raising the chicks in their own poop strengthens the vaccine so...
Y’all please don’t roast me.
I have a 3.5 week old Wyandotte chick that I’ve been battling what I think is vent gleet.
I noticed it 4-5 days ago and thought it was pasty butt, but after two days of that I realized all of what I’m seeing is white. Its vent was bulging and swollen so I thought...
Peahen started showing symptoms of illness last Friday (August 1), got her into the vet same day. Fecal sample was clear, exam was clear but her behavior was off, they treated with antibiotic (5 days in water) and anti-inflammatory (5 days orally). She was quarantined the whole time, she's not...
I have a friend that is battling health issues and is going to be traveling out of town for 3 weeks. She doesn't have the strength and stamina to secure her old dilapidated coop and run before leaving. I offered for her to bring her 6 chickens over with their tractor so we could care for them...
Hey BYC, I’ve got a couple questions. I just had to swap my cockerel out for a pullet. She’s being quarantined. The problem is she, along with the rest of the chickens at the farm I got her at, don’t particularly like human touch. She looks to be about 9-10 weeks old, an ISA brown & leghorn mix...
I dewormed my flock of 21, 2 year old red sex link chickens, 3 weeks ago. 9 days ago 2 started showing respiratory symptoms: wheezing, coughing & sneezing. I immediately separated (quarantined) them in my makeshift hospital, away from the coop & cleaned & disinfected the coop. The other 19 never...
So our neighbor is moving soon and she's down to one last chicken after recent predator issues. I told her I'd take the chicken. The problem is I also have new baby chicks coming this week and they are going to be in the place where I would normally put a chicken to quarantine. I really don't...
TLDR: I went for six ducks, and came home with fourteen that are in not so great shape.
Hello everyone. I guess I'm posting to get some opinions and advice on some new ducks I just acquired today.
Background: A semi-local gentleman posted his entire flock as needing rehomed due to his own...
Hey there. We are looking at adding a breeding pair of muscovies to our flock. They are both one year old. We currently have two adult ducks (not muscovies) and five ducklings that are straight run (the ducklings are separated in the brooder and will be for 8 weeks total). We also have five...
Hi I have one hen in my flock of 14 who I got about two weeks ago. I noticed at the beginning of the week she regurgitated/vomited 1x a night - she would do it just one time and then act totally fine? Tonight I was looking at her and one of her eyes was just a little goopy and her beak looked a...
I have a broody and her eggs should hatch in about eleven days (hopefully they are fertilized!) A farm supply store nearby is getting chicks a day before our eggs hatch, and I wanted to get a few new breeds. Can I put the chicks under my hen at night when the other ones start hatching? Would she...
Good morning,
I saw that the NCDA&CS has recommended to essentially keep poultry quarantined in their coops for 30 days from yesterday. I live in Western Upstate South Carolina so I kept mine up yesterday. They’re already getting stir crazy. How serious is the risk of them contracting it? How...
I don’t know if I have a bully or if this is normal chicken behavior. I have 10 chickens all the same age (26wks) and of various breeds. My Wyandotte ( Dottie ) is picking on everyone. Especially Alice - my buff Orpington. She has had a bloody comb for the past week. Dottie pecks anyone who...
It seems to be mosquito season for so many this time of year, which has led me down a fowl pox rabbit hole. I've read dozens of articles about the virus and the vaccine and protecting your flock. The articles seem to skip over what happens to birds that are already/currently infected. Wet pox...