Anyone have experience introducing a new cockerel to their all-lady flock? We were given the opportunity to acquire a 10 week-old (thus far very friendly) Bielefelder cockerel to add to our 17.5-18 week-old mixed flock of 7 pullets. Here are my concerns:
Is the age difference okay? He's younger...
I ended up with a barnyard mix chick that I think has been living a half feral life (long story). What are the steps I need to do to quarantine and make sure this chick doesnt get/transfer any bad coccidia/parasites, etc.? Im thinking medicated feed, a few pinches of prozap under the wings and...
An encouraging report from CDFA says that there have been no recently detected cases of virulent Newcastle Disease for the last month.
California state veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones reported July 2 that with the cooperation of southern California residents "in very difficult circumstances and...
so there’s a poultry ban and I’m in one of the county’s under quarantine. But I have no idea how to check the status on the ban. My husband and I were ready to get chickens when we heard about the ban. Obviously we want to be safe and not risk adding sick animals to our farm. Is there a number I...
So, you’ve just purchased some POL pullets, or rescued a small flock of somebody’s unwanted chickens. You can’t just throw them in with your current flock because that could be disastrous without a proper quarantine before integration or even attempting see but don’t touch. So… you keep them...
I got my first set of 5 chicks from a TSC here in Southern California in March 2018. We have had 3 die of Marek's disease (confirmed by necropsy at UC Davis) but my last 2 girls are doing great. They are unvaccinated though from what we were told by the sales person. I was wondering if it was ok...
A friend of mine (yep, the friends we had over one Sunday to convince them to start keeping chickens only an hour after I had processed my first cockerel, now has a little BO cockerel he must get rid of...
hi everyone!
My husband and I had a respiratory outbreak in our flock starting on Sunday. We brought 7 of our 16 inside and quarantined them. After giving them antibiotics and electrolytes it looks like we’re only going to lose one, although losing that one is going to be very hard :( Anyways...
Background: I have six hens that are 4 years old or older, established flock. Recently I bought six pullets, approx. 6 months old. They are about the same size as the grown hens. I put the six new girls in a chicken tractor for quarantine. Within a few days, one was showing respiratory...
I am at my wits end. I've had chickens for 5+ years, and have never had an issue like i'm having now. I introduced 6 pullets to my established flock at the end of the spring. Things went as expected, and all was fine. We took a bunch out to show at the local 4H fair in September. The day...
I don’t have any pictures right now, but I’m really worried about my Mille Fleur rooster. He has small black specks on his comb and has been losing feathers like crazy. At first, the feather loss was a couple here and there, but now he’s really lost a lot. His tail is very small now. He’s...
I have 3 hens, and I'm going to get 2 more from a local feed store that raises them from chicks. I've read that when quarantining new birds they should be at least 100 ft away from the other chickens. My backyard isn't big enough to keep them that far away, maybe 30 ft max. I have a garage...
I have a six-month-old leghorn pullet that is acting sick. She is lethargic but will walk a little bit but mostly just kind of stands in one place. When I put them out for their evening free range she wasn’t interested in eating grass which is very unusual for her. When she walks it looks like...
Hi everyone. I have a small flock of 6 (2 Buff Orpington, 4 Polish) that is 12 weeks old. Yesterday I purchased 2 5week old Amaeracauna pullets and 2 16 month old Blue Maran hens who are already laying. I currently have the newbies in temporary housing away from the others while they are in...
Hello All,
I found my Rhode Island Red gasping for air, making loud noises and laying on the ground, a few min after I picked her up, she seemed to be fine. I immediately separated her from the flock in fear of AIB. Its been two days (still quarantined) and she will not squawk or call out. When...
Several weeks ago..I won a rare pullet raffle. I was over the moon with excitement!! :eek: The 4 different breed pullets were shipped to me from a breeder down 8(one of them) and 12 weeks old.
Luckily...the Ohio cold has kept my quarantine period LONG. The birds have been here...
hello I have fallen in love with an interstate bird I am in Perth Australia and she is in Brisbane.
Has anyone transported a 10 week hen how did it go who did you use and what was the paperwork for quarantine I hear it is hard to get approvals is this true?
Thank you :)
When I quarantined a pullet who was exhibiting respiratory issues with open mouth breathing and diminished energy, she became very distressed and emotional. A few hours later she briefly escaped and immediately flew back to her flock and did her best to forage.
But from everything I had read...
Hello fellow chicken lovers. Today, I received a email from a friend of mine. There are two chickens that need homes near me. I’ve decided to take them in. However, how in the world do you go about quarantining birds when the weather is below freezing? It’s already cold here in CT. I also have...
So a few days ago I noticed all of a sudden that my Welsummer, about eight months old, had one eye dug out or something. It was covered in mud, blood, swelling, and no eye was visible (it might still have been there, but it would have been buried under dirt and blood). She showed no signs of...