
  1. D

    Do we have a bully problem? Leghorns stopped laying

    I'm investigating two possibilities, this is the first; recently (2024/04/30) I got 3 hens: two white leghorns and one Amber star. They are all within 3weeks age and the amber star started laying small but, cute eggs. Three days at her new home, the bigger legorn started laying too on the 3rd...
  2. kanami

    how to know what breeds tractor supply will have?

    i feel stupid asking this. but is there any way to check tractor supply’s website on what breeds of live chicks they will have at my location? i feel like i am running in circles on their website. i found chickens in bulk but i wanna know what breeds they will have that i can go there and get...
  3. think_fast_chicklenuts

    does anyone know why my ducks only trust me in certain conditions, and how to fix it?

    I have 4 Pekin ducks. They are 7 weeks and 4 days old and live in a very spacious run with some chickens of the same age. (They get along well and there's enough space so the ducks don't trample the chicks.) I only recently stopped putting the chicks and ducks back in their separate brooders at...
  4. S

    Chicken hit by car.

    About 2-3 weeks ago our beloved Raspberry, a 7mo buff Orpington, was hit by a car. She survived which was a shock to us, with a damaged leg. I don’t think it was broken and could not feel any breaks but it was obviously causing her pain in her hip. She rested in the coop for about a week before...
  5. FeatherSwift93

    Solved Videos?

    I'm trying to post a duck video to ask about the sex but it won't upload the video? Can we upload videos on here or na?😕🙂
  6. Chickenwithnobrim

    Would a dyed silkie attract predators?

    Hi all, i have a pet white silkie and my girlfriend wants to dye her wingtips and tail for easter fun. My concern is that will make her much more visible to predators as she and my other chicken have free range of the back yard during the day. The only predators we have to worry about in our...
  7. paradisepentacoop

    5 week old Australorp with issues

    Good day everyone, I spend a bunch of time observing my chicks to get a feel for their personalities. I have a mixed flock of two Silver Sebrights, three Golden Sebrights, and two Australorps. They have been moved from their dog crate brooder to a much larger temporary coop and have been loving...
  8. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  9. T

    Has anyone kept Stubble Quail (Coturnix pectoralis)?

    Has anyone kept Stubble Quail (Coturnix pectoralis)? They are a native Australian Quail in the Corturnix family. I have seen a few posts on here but sadly no one followed up with any information and they are quite outdated.
  10. paradisepentacoop

    Coop and Run Ideas from and for a Newbie-

    Hey BYC, I am looking at building a run and coop with the Magidome bracket set. I think am going a full 8' for the dome pieces to allow for the largest run and enough space for a coop while also not going too crazy. I have a couple of issues that I cannot think of a solution to and would greatly...
  11. H

    How much vitamin d supplement should I give my two year old duck?

    We recently bought a Jamieson vitamin D3 (400 iu) supplement for my duck. She’s two years old and has a vitamin d deficiency. We don’t go outside often, but I’ve been opening the curtains for her in the morning for her to get some sunshine. I was wondering how much I should feed her this...
  12. H

    How much vitamin d should I give my 2 year old duck?

    We recently bought a Jamieson vitamin D3 (400 iu) supplement for my duck. She’s two years old and has a vitamin d deficiency. We don’t go outside often, but I’ve been opening the curtains for her in the morning for her to get some sunshine. I was wondering how much I should feed her this...
  13. so_fancy_af

    Trend? Speckled Sussex and Mycoplasma Synoviae MS

    When searching these forums for info on MS symptoms I noticed something interesting: it seemed like quite a few posts were about speckled Sussex hens. Bebee, my afflicted chicken, is a speckled Sussex and so far (fingers crossed x100) her flock mates of all different breeds are not showing...
  14. Sonson

    Meyer hatchery BBS Ameraucana without beard/muff?

    Hello! Long story short, can anyone confirm if it's possible for a Blue Ameraucana to be without a muff or beard? I was under the impression that they always have a muff and beard and that the Meyer ameraucanas are true ameraucanas; Meyer's website even lists them as having beards and muffs...
  15. S

    Old Chicken 7 Years Old Curling Feathers?

    Hi, so I don’t know if anyone has ever seen this before but if so I’m wondering what could be causing it. My oldest hen, Olivia has had some of her feathers curl around her “shoulders” area it first started only a little bit a year ago, but ever since she last molted this fall they are extremely...
  16. ElGoose

    Opinion on letting my geese roam a little outside of our garden?

    So ever since they were young, my two bonded geese have had a lot of contact with the land around our garden including the canal and river. They are both very well behaved and come back when called - they are also both very healthy and have never shown signs of disease, the most we’ve had is...
  17. M

    What colour morph is this hen?

    What colour morph is this Ameraucana? This precious girl was a hatchery rescue. She suddenly passed away recently and we realized that we never figured out what “colour” she was. Any idea what she’d be called?
  18. ElGoose

    Anybody else have a thin faced goose?

    I always notice this about our Polly but it’s like she has no cheeks like our other geese, her head basically just blends seamlessly into her neck. Does anybody else have a goose like this? Is it normal? She’s definitely not underweight, I wonder if it’s just a facial feature.. both her and...
  19. Big Cluck

    Question for experienced mixed aviary keepers.

    So, I am pondering building an approximately 180sq ft aviary primarily to house 4-6 ornamental ducks, ring teal, Mandarin possibly wood duck. I intend it to have several small ponds, a mulberry tree, ornamental grasses and other plants.... I (while Im hearing*not recommended*) am wondering, are...
  20. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What's the best thing about Black Copper Marans?!

    🍫Hello!!! I found a really nice looking pair of Black Copper Marans hens on Kijiji today, and I'm very exited! :frow:pop:p:p🥰 They seem like a very amazing breed, and this is a great deal! So now, I'm wondering the unknown amazing things this breed has, but are mostly unspoken of by "breed...
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