
  1. G

    Advice for dopting swans cheaply

    Carrollton, GA 30117 I cared for a widowed male mute swan years ago, and have wanted them ever since. Now I live on a 55 acre private lake, and built a floating island for waterfowl. I love watching our Muscovy, but crave the bigger birds. Yet I can’t afford to buy a pair. Does anyone have any...
  2. G

    Adopting geese cheaply

    I live in Carrollton, GA 30117. Does anyone have suggestions for adopting geese cheaply? I live on a private 55 acre lake, and built a floating island for waterfowl. I’d prefer to rescue older birds.
  3. Age-of-Goositude

    Jude's Safe Haven: My Flock

    Hello this is where I will be introducing each individual member of my flock and showing off the progress of their area that's going to be fenced, any houses built etc I will start off with a little at a time. Everyone will have at least three photos and any general info I have on them. This...
  4. M

    Learning about backyard chickens in the Bay Area

    Hi everyone, We're an animal-loving family who for the first time is pet-less and are researching potential new members of our family. I have two young girls and live next door to family who also have two young children, so we're looking for kid-friendly options. We live in San Jose, so we...
  5. Pictorhens

    Urgent help, rescue chickens

    Hi, I have rescued two chickens from a farm that has been closed, they are currently in one of the rooms in my farm house. I have five chickens and a cock already, urgently need some advice on how I go about introducing them to my current flock. The two have been together the whole time at their...
  6. H

    abandoned duck needs home!

    A muscovy (I think) appeared at our school in Santa Ana last week. She seems comfortable around people, so I think someone dropped her off. I would like to send her to a good home for the holidays! Please help! Thank you so much.
  7. Hannahs.Garden

    Hannah from Melbourne, Australia

    Hey! My name is Hannah, I've been raising chickens for a few years in Melbourne, Australia. My favourite breed is not a breed at all, it is rescue ex-battery hens. Usually they are ISA browns. I have two ex-battery hens at the moment and 3 heritage chicks. Daryl the Hamburg, Sasha the...
  8. That_Chick

    EMERGENCY Baby chicks in Soffit

    Hello. One of my mini hens went missing a couple of weeks ago. I thought she had been gotten by a hawk. This morning, she showed up in the barn. At the same time I saw her, I heard newly-hatched chicks peeping! I searched around and discovered that she had been setting on eggs in the soffit of...
  9. Donutley

    I Rescued a Chicken off the Road

    So about 5 weeks ago I found a chicken in the road that had escaped a chicken truck, judging by her state. I jumped out to get her and drove home, only to find that her wing was broken with part of the bone sticking out. After 4 vet visits and a lot of time with her living in my room, she's...
  10. P

    Help!! My cat got a baby cottontail

    I heard a baby cottontail screaming outside so I ran to go and grab it from my cats mouth, I've had her since last night and she is still breathing and alive. She hasn't moved since I got her.. I put her in my room in a tank with orchato grass Timothy hay pellets and shavings... She looks old...
  11. Tipi

    Looking to Rescue Hens from egg factories

    Hi, I am looking to add some battery hens to my flock. I would love to know of any place near Pennsylvania that I could do this.
  12. ellie62706

    Introducing Claude!

    Hello! Today I rescued a Coturnix quail from a battery cage where she could barely walk, as the floor was rusted wire. It was so small, on top of having 30 other quail in the same cage. I let her walk for the first time on the grass. She was really wobbly. I then introduced her to my other...
  13. L

    Rehome Hens in Tampa Florida

    I'm looking for a nice place to rehome a couple hens, locals farms that may want them. I enjoy having them and they are well taken care of but after having my second baby and returning to work I just don't have the time and energy to devote as much time to them as I would like. We are also...
  14. MisaF

    Raising one orphaned Indian Runner

    Hi all, I'm new to chickens (just moved in January and started our flock in April with 8 buff orpingtons, two of which ended up being roosters (which was NOT what we ordered but we love the anyway). A friend/neighbor stopped by on their way off on vacation on Tuesday with an only hours old...
  15. H

    Need someone to rescue our rooster! (Oakland County, Michigan)

    In April we purchased 6 little chickies, we have 3 left due to sneaky predators. We have corrected the weak spots with our coup and our 3 surviving chickies are doing great! However, our favorite chicken, a Rhode Island Red named "Mama", has turned out to be a rooster! Our city ordinance doesn't...
  16. Glennmm

    Rescue Duck help

    Hi. This is my first post but I found this forum a week ago after adopting some ducklings. You all have been helpful in our start up duck family. Yesterday my husband came home with a young Mallard. This poor duck was in a large area with chickens and looks to have been pecked and had it's new...
  17. Age-of-Goositude

    Neglect and Abuse at a Local Store

    I wanted to post to make people aware. A while back I rescued 4 ducklings and 5 goslings from a local hardware store here in Winlock WA. They were in a kiddie pool together, the ducklings double the size of the gosling's, in a layer of poop about two inches thick they had a water dish with brown...
  18. Age-of-Goositude

    Raccoon Attack; Amputation

    There was a duck local to me posted online (broody girl, raccoon attack, you get the picture) many people said to cull her but I stepped up and took her, I didn't think her injuries were so horrible and took her to the vet but since the raccoon didn't rip her leg off at the joint she needed...
  19. Rhonda Gelstein

    When to introduce to big pond

    Hi. In November we ended up with a flock of ducks that had been dumped off at an Animal Control. They went to a rescue that I volunteer for and since we already had chickens, they came my way. We worked our way through the winter getting to know about ducks and we're thoroughly enjoying the...
  20. Squeak61

    Rescue Chickens (and a runaway)

    Oh wow... yesterday was a crazy day. I finally have time to post about it. So. It all started with an email from a fellow chicken-lover who knew I was in CT. I clicked the attached link, and up came a Craigslist ad for 3 hens that were 10 minutes away from me. It stated right there in the ad...
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