Hi friends, I could use some thoughts if anyone has any. I detail it all down below, but aside from her breathing heavy sometimes and her swollen abdomen, I was doing some of my own research and I do wonder if one of her air sacs could be inflamed, as she has a lump on one side of her underside...
I uploaded this video to YouTube to see if anyone can help me with my chickens problem. She only seems to get worse after weeks of respiratory illness which maybe was brought on by a round worm infestation. I know because I saw them. I’ll include a photo of the first of three I found.
I have...
Hi, I woke up this morning to let my 5 girls out. One of them, a 16 week old showgirl, stayed behind in the coop and was making this weird wheezing/mewing noise. She was fine last night when they went to bed. Now it's been two hours and it looks like she's still having a hard time breezing. Her...
Hello everyone! My rooster Brownie is 5 years old and today I observed that he was opening his beak a little bit to breathe (not always but from time to time though right now it has stopped) and was making light sounds while doing it. It sounded alarm bells in my head so I'm posting this. I put...
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Seven of eleven chickens are about 5-7 years old, three of them are about 1-3 years old. I have eight ducks two cayuga drakes they are the only drakes I have. one female cayuga, two pekin...
We have a 6 month old Cayuga that since earlier this morning is breathing open-mouth and sitting down. She normally lays an egg every morning, but today I don't believe she did. I checked to see if she was obviously egg bound but there is no sign of a stuck egg. She is drinking water and very...
Hi All, we have a 6 month old Cayuga that since earlier this morning is breathing open-mouth and sitting down. She normally lays an egg every morning, but today I don't believe she did. I checked to see if she was obviously egg bound but there is no sign of a stuck egg. She is drinking water and...
Hi I'm a first time chick owner, I got 9 silkie (probably mixed) chicks 3 weeks ago, two of them were 2 weeks old and 7 of them 1 week old. I'm in a small city in Mexico now, and the local resources are quite limited. I've been feeding them the only commercial chick starter (I believe it's...
One of our cockerels is wheezing, and his crop is hard. We're thinking he's probably swallowed something that's obstructing his airway. He occasionally looks like he's going to throw something up. He seems to have a reduced appetite as well, and he keeps scratching his face with his foot as if...
I have a 5 year old, 8.5 lb. Ameraucana rooster named Truman who came down with a respiratory infection yesterday. He is wheezing and has labored breathing. Eyes appear clear and I see no discharges. His appetite seems good and energy level is about the same. He's my favorite chicken...
Some background info:
So, ever since I did a deep clean of my coop last fall, I have noticed the chickens in my big coop sneeze. Not everybody sneezes, but it seems like they are taking turns sneezing. I had a BSL hen that I wound up culling because her eyes and nostrils became bubbly. My coop...
Ive notived my young adult hen has been sneezing recently, she also has a runny nose and i can hear her congestion (almost like a gurgle or clicking) when i put my head near her throat. I have two hens and shes the smaller one, she also has a small bald spot on her neck i assume from the other...
I have a 15 month old buff Orphington hen. I noticed her limping 4 days ago and has bumble foot. I'm cleaning, soaking in Epsom salt, and wrapping it after applying blu kote and drawing salve. a layer of black scab was already half hanging off and came off on its own or with her help.
I need...
I'm not sure the breed of this baby as she was a rescue, I'm thinking maybe Pekin? Either way, she is about 3-4 months old and was fine two days ago, swimming and having a grand old time. Yesterday she started with breathing like this and having diarrhea of a pale greenishy-blue color. We dipped...
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Hen d’uccle. So she’s very small to begin with but I can feel her very pointy keel(?) bone. I got her 8 months ago. She’s roughly a year.
2) What is the behavior, exactly.
She started with...
Hi there. We recently picked up two chicks from our local chicken supply store. Had them both for a week or so now, and while one seems very healthy - active, eating a ton, drinking normally - the other has been sneezing, shaking her head and lethargic for 3-4 days now. I’ve given both of them...
I’ve got a question in regards to creating a dust bath area for my pullets. I’ve read multiple conflicting articles and forums on adding diatomaceous earth. Some use it and some don’t as it can irritate their sensitive respiratory systems. I’d just like to have a few opinions and get a general...
Hi all, this is my little call duckling who hatched in march, almost a month old. Since it hatched its been low energy, and had difficulty breathing through it's nares. I didnt think much of it because it eats and drinks and it didnt seem to get worse so i thought maybe it would pass...
We have had our self blue Duccles for about a year. Last month we noticed one that was behaving abnormally. She tucked her head low between her shoulders, didn't eat as much as normal. Within a day or so she would stretch out her neck and open her mouth to gasp for air. We brought her in the...
The last of our three pet chickens became suddenly I'll last week with a nasty respiratory infection. She couldn't stand, couldn't breathe, mucus dripping from her beak...all within the span of a few hours. I searched the forum for remedies, but was saddened to find most recommendations were to...