
  1. B

    Help with possible respiratory illness??

    Hi all, I have a very old girl that I rescued two or so months ago and have been nursing back to health. She’s been going really well until maybe two weeks ago when she started coughing. The coughing seem to happen most when she’s eating too quickly or if she over exerts herself. She also...
  2. Dan SC

    Losing birds daily!

    I have a flock of close to 80 birds which includes three turkey. Over the last few weeks they started displaying signs of respiratory issues. Also displayed text book style gape, worm gasping. I treated for Gape worms and it appeared they were getting better. Then signs of respiratory illness...
  3. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    Here is my previous post about Val’s dog attack. The saga continues! She’s been doing well after having her egg removed. Some feathers are growing back but the worst wounds are still healing and scabbed up. I’ve let her outside a few times in short visits to be a chicken, she seems good. BUT...
  4. Gb_

    Gasping hen

    Today I just picked up a batch of four hens from somebody since they can only keep them seasonally due to not having coop insulation the Maran hen is gasping and panting with a runny nose along with shaking her head side to side her poo was healthy however and not watery she doesn’t have eye...
  5. Izzyisdizzy11

    Chickens gaping and shaking head

    I have two ISA Browns, roughly a year old, who have been previously healthy. Today I noticed both of them gaping consistently; is this a respiratory issue? As well as gaping, they keep shaking their heads, as if trying to get something off. Is this symptoms for a disease or am I overreacting...
  6. P

    Raspy sounding chicken, weak but alert

    I have a 9 mo old Wyondotte sounding raspy, showing weakness, tired, etc. No discharge, eyes and nose, mouth are clear. She is weak, but alert. Poop Is brownish green and a bit runny/watery. She has been eating and drinking normally (seemed to be drinking a lot of water), but this morning I...
  7. jschmi

    Sneezing and diarrhea in 11-week-old chickens. Respiratory Infection?

    Hello! I am looking for some suggestions on what to do. I am new to taking care of chickens and I have been noticing my chickens sneezing numerous times and I have also noticed what appears to be diarrhea in the coop. The diarrhea is a dark brown (almost black) liquid and has a foul odor. I...
  8. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  9. arei1979

    Snotty chick

    Without scaring me too much….why does my chick have a snot bubble!? 😢 2.5 week old Ameraucana. I haven’t seen more since I took this picture. No sneezing, wheezing or coughing. Acting pretty normal except maybe a little more “easy going” today. She’s normally the super fiesty one. I did see her...
  10. C

    Respiratory illness

    This morning 2 chickens are dead. 1 laying hen and one near laying pullet. Other birds are getting bubbly noses and are coughing/sneezing. The hen that died had swelling in her face and had a floppy comb. Her neck was kind of wonky looking. Some birds have light diarrhea. I'm setting up an...
  11. Chick_Crazy

    Respiratory Illness

    Hello! I have a hen who has been dealing with a respiratory issue for the past month. I have been applying VetRX to her throat basically everyday. She seemed like she was getting better, but today she isn't looking too good. She was walking slower than usual, her comb was flopped over a little...
  12. Denise1015

    Vent Gleet and prolapse

    Hello! My hen has what looks to be Vent Gleet. See photo. She also has prolapse for 3 days. She had an egg stuck but I was able to help her pass. She gurgles at times. I bathe her in warm water/epsom salt times 2 a day. I have used Monistat cream, honey and olive oil. I can’t seem to...
  13. Y

    Is this gapeworm? VIDEO INCLUDED

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right! We have a chicken showing some respiratory symptoms, I'm not sure if it could be gapeworm or something else? Here is a video of the gaping behavior she has been doing: I've called around to a few vets and have not found...
  14. The_Chicken_Tender

    Respiratory and reproductive problems

    In February I posted something about my chicken who was having a lot of issues. At first she was wheezing and panting, and then she laid a weird rubber egg after not laying for a long long time. She seemed to get better, so I thought she recovered, but now the exact, and I mean EXACT same thing...
  15. E

    Open mouth breathing - flu? Video *update* - vet dx airsacculitis/pneumonia can we treat with antibiotics?

    My 2 year old faverolle suddenly started having respiratory issues today. She seemed fine in the morning, and then had a sudden cough/hacking attack followed by gurgling breathing. It was so startling I picked her up and rushed her to some water because I thought she might be choking, which she...
  16. katie_94

    Sand bath but instead it's all sweet PDZ...literally

    We have sweet PDZ stall refresher that I told my mom multiple times that it is not the same as the coarse sand used for the quails' sand bath as she keeps mistaking the two. I even put them in different colored containers with labels away from each other. She changed the sand bath for once and I...
  17. Amy Weaver

    Wry Neck and Swollen Earlobe

    I've been treating a chicken for wry neck. She seemed to be getting better, then went backwards, hardly being able to hold her neck up at all. Today, I noticed her left earlobe is swollen (beginning stages... no debris, discharge, or sores). She's also been mouth breathing, so I have to assume...
  18. B

    Chicken unable to breath falling over any advice please

    Some of you may have seen my recent posts about sick hens in my flock. A sample showed a small amount of coccidiosis eggs which has made my older girls very sick. They are now on treatment. However Agatha this evening is struggling to stand falling over etc. I do not know if this is related to...
  19. M

    I'm Attempting to Heal a Duck w/ Likely Aspergillosis

    I've put off posting because I know some of my choices may not be well received. Let me start by saying I LOVE my duck more than I could put into words and am pulling out all the stops to attempt to help her heal; so please be gentle. :) It is most likely that Miss Dewey has aspergillosis...
  20. S

    3 day old call duckling breathing rapidly The description and a video of my duck is in the link. I could really use some advice.
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