roost bar

  1. A

    Inside or Out

    I just expanded our too small coop to include an attached but very secure “open air” section. The inside coop isn’t big enough for roosts AND nesting boxes so which would be better for the outside area: nesting boxes or roosts? The chickens also have a very large fenced in run.
  2. Y

    Spice other than Nest and Rest

    I have 4x8 and nest box is inside so 4x7 I made roost of two 48” 2x4 with thin wall on nest side and another on side to go out to run, it seems sorta to big and like only a lane to get to nest or roost and not much other room Think 7 chickens I guess question is, do the need much room other...
  3. Holler Hens

    Our DIY roost bar

    This took about 6 hours and we were able to use wood leftover from another project. Love those $0 improvements! Can't wait to finish outfitting the rest of the shed and move the girls in!
  4. sparklez

    Pullets not roosting?

    Hello, second time I've done chickens. I now have 10 pullets and one cockerel all about 12 weeks old, no other chickens. They will not roost at night. There is poop on the roosts and ive seen them up there during the day once or twice before they were allowed in the run. I Yesterday a put a...
  5. T

    First week in coop

    First week in the coop for my almost 6 week old chicks. They’re all fighting for the top roost bar. Is this normal? are my roosting bars okay? A couple of weeks and they won’t all fit up there comfortably..
  6. sammi_lynn12

    Rooster at night

    I just added a rooster to our flock today. He has been fine with them all day until tonight. This is the first time I allowed him on the roosting bar with them and from the time it took to let the horses in and then go back and check on them there was blood dripping down the roosting bar. I...
  7. D

    Roosting question

    Hello! New chicken mom here. My chickens are just about to be 18 weeks. Currently they have a 2x4 roost on the other side of the coop, however most of them choose to roost up in the rafters. My question is….is this bad? (Besides being annoying to have to scrape/clean every morning) I’m guessing...
  8. ChickenOfSpades

    Chickens don't want to roost

    I just moved my four 11-week-old chickens into a new pen I built, and I used a board (laying the wide direction) for the roost. They don't seem to want to stand on it, and are kind of squishing together in the corner. Any tips to get them to use the roost? I don't want any suffocated chickens -...
  9. L

    Anti Roost Hen

    Had trouble with new hens roosting and took all of your advice on here and it worked mostly. I still have one hen not roosting with other hens. I have 6 in total and the last one in at night wants to sleep on the edge of the nesting box, not with other chickens. Having to put her up for a...
  10. AmberNate

    How Should I ventilate this coop???

    Any advice on how to ventilate and where the roost bar should go?? Bought this coop used, and there was zero ventilation. For whatever reason the person who built it raised the nesting boxes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know ideally the roosting bar should be above the nesting boxes but if I do that then my ladies...
  11. SunnyRue

    Pullets sleeping in egg box

    I recently added 2 chicks to my flock. I transitioned them to living outside a couple months ago, and I noticed in the beginning that they would sleep together in one egg box. I thought that maybe they would start sleeping on the roost once they got integrated with the flock better and were more...
  12. FunintheRun

    Will my new roost be a problem, or will they adapt?

    About a month ago, I inherited a flock of 6 hens and a small coop from my mother in law. I'm brand new to chicken keeping but really enjoying what I'm learning and hope to make this work. The coop is only about 4x4, which from all of the things I've read and heard is a bit small for 6 chickens...
  13. R

    Interior coop design: Corner vs Linear roosting bars

    Hello again! I'm in the process of designing my "Coop-A-Cabana" that will be brought to fruition next spring. (Lumber is just too darn high right now) Anyways, I'm looking for design opinions for the inside. The coop/shed will be at least half coop and the rest shed/garden storage. There will...
  14. Grey Gables

    Roost Redo?

    Hi! I designed my coop and had someone local build it. I didn't give a ton of info/direction on the roosts, other than I wanted to be able to remove them if needed. I've known all summer that my roosts weren't exactly "right." But haven't really figured out what I want to do to fix them...
  15. valper

    How can I keep my chickens from roosting on the barn beams?

    My chicken coop is a repurposed large room in my old barn that I fixed up for my first flock. They have plenty of roosting bars (made from trees) and places to "sit" if they need to, for example when they huddle up if it's cold. So even if they have several spots to choose from, they always...
  16. sophie90

    Not sleeping on the perch

    I have 5 hens ages ranging from 8-14 weeks. They’re all great at taking themselves into the coop at night but won’t sleep on the roosting bars. There’s two bars in the coop so space isn’t an issue and I’ve noticed them jumping up and sitting on there in the daytime so they can get up there with...
  17. PioneerChicks

    What shape of roosts do you use in your chicken coop?

    Just a fun poll. And please post below why you use your type and what you chickens tend to prefer! Please also check out this poll:
  18. Pixelsaurus

    The Coop DeVille and Spa (Part 2) - a playhouse conversion / COVID project

    Part 2 of my Coop DeVille project….securing the chicken run, roost and poop board V 3.0 and 4.0, new hens, nesting boxes, ventilation, a spa and more. May 4 & 5. Now that the girls have moved into the coop, the clock is ticking on securing the chicken run. I was able to get hardware cloth...
  19. B

    Roosting by nesting box

    I am new to this whole thing. But night after night our birds are all roosting on the one bar I put in front of their nesting box just to help them get into the nesting boxes. I have 16ft worth of roost branches in this coop. Why are they always using the one small 4ft long 2x2 rough cut lumber...
  20. SavvySilkieMom

    Do Silkies roost? How do they sleep? How can I set it up?

    I have two silkie chicks that will be kept indoors as ESAs. I have a 62" rabbit hutch in their own room where they free range. I am wondering where they would sleep when they move in? I have them in a broder now but I know once they move in they will have anesting box and a roost. Where do they...
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