
  1. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Hawk comes back for round 2 after getting its Feathers kicked by my Rooster.

    Recently my Rooster prevented a hawk attack against my ducks when a hawk landed down and tried attacking them, Unfortunately, that hawk did not take that kindly and came back for round two, This time coming for one of our chickens, It was the same hawk (It has some marks and feathers lose when...
  2. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    I was "sure" that by the time we incubated fresh eggs that the old rooster DNA should be GONE from the hens' oviducts... Well, now that they've hatched, I'm questioning if that's the case. LOL Here are some pics of our hatched chicks. Please help me figure out if the dad was a Black Australorp...
  3. brittanycuster94

    What is this.

    so about a little over two weeks ago, I noticed my rooster limping after two days of him limping on and off I decided to check his feet and his legs and didn’t notice anything. so I originally thought he may have just jumped down and landed wrong but I’ve still been noticing him limping on and...
  4. Timbers Happy Hens

    New rooster

    I’m getting a new rooster for my flock, what I want to know is how long should I wait for the new rooster to have definitively fertilized all the hens, before I try incubating. I currently have a gamefowl rooster as a protector but he recently became aggressive, so we’re rehoming. I definitely...
  5. yenkia

    Why doesn’t my rooster have any rooster feathers?

    Hello! So about 8 months ago i bought 2 porcelain d’uccle chicks. They both turned out to be roosters, lol, and i rehomed one. This one, i thought was a hen for the longest time until he started crowing. He only crows once a week or so, but he has the big red comb to prove it’s a boy. I’m...
  6. Aldenallis

    Buff orps or …?

    I bought what was supposed to be BO from TS: then it dawned on my that their wing feathers are black and white. Is this a mix breed or even an Orpington at all?
  7. Ashley Benningfield

    Black Australorp Rooster in East Texas

    Hi everyone! Due to a chronic shoulder problem I'm having to downsize my flock and find a new home for my 10-month-old Black Australorp rooster. I wish I could keep him but I'm not going to have enough space or hens for him anymore. Please let me know if you'd be interested in taking him!
  8. B

    Help- Rooster has lost appetite and is standing in place all day

    Hi! I have a 1 1/2 year old red pyle bantam who has been acting strange the past day or so. It started yesterday when I brought him inside (he likes to hang out with our indoor chicken). I noticed he wasn’t making much noise and he wouldn’t eat. He was also having diarrhea that started out with...
  9. Mattie15

    Rooster Overbreeding Hens/ Raw-Backs :(

    My rooster Andy is a big sweetheart. He was 'not to often' with his ladies when it came to topping them. There were no injuries or feather issues. Well, then I had to move back in with my dad. He has a pen with a rooster and hens, and then a separate but connected pen for a pair of game chickens...
  10. seacrow13

    I was told this is a cream legbar, is it?

    Hello! I have several cream legbars, but in a group that I raised last year from chicks only one ended up being a rooster. He and one of the hens actually looked like twins for a little while until he started getting oranger at the top and then all sorts of vibrant colors different from the...
  11. seacrow13

    Leroy the Rooster

    I love all the stories and pictures of chickens!! I of course name, love, and spoil all of my chickens but wanted to share pictures of Leroy my rooster. I put so much care into raising him and he is such a good rooster so here he is growing up lol. Sadly, I don’t have a more recent picture...
  12. Nonnapoo

    Rooster missing mark!

    My 9 month old salmon Faverolles rooster is a very busy boy. He is wearing out my 9 hens but his cloaca never touches the hens cloaca. He just humps the tops of their backs. Will he eventually figure it out?
  13. A

    What age is the best to rehome an extra rooster?

    I've got 5 straight run chickens who are coming up 7 weeks old now. I've got one really obvious cockerel and one who I am 80% sure is also a cockerel - His comb and wattles are larger than the girls but nowhere near as big and red as the first's. I am expecting to have to rehome of l least one...
  14. L

    Scabs on rooster’s comb

    Hi all, Does anyone know what these scab like things on my black americana rooster could be, I noticed them a few days ago and just want to check on here before I have to take him to the vet. Thanks, Laura
  15. Georgiachickenkid

    Boosting A Rooster's Confidence?

    Hello BYC! There is a behavioral issue with my two roosters. To put it simple, one rooster is much more authoritative than the other. It started with our three roosters Dom, Jade, and Little Red. Jade was “The Man of the House”, but we culled him after he became increasingly more aggressive to...
  16. fuzzi

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    For those who were attacked and injured by their own rooster, please respond. My rooster attacked me in the face, just missed my eye. I'm not keeping him, but would appreciate input from others.
  17. Papaye

    BRAHMA : How many hens per rooster

    Hello. So... I know this person who is going to cull some beautiful roosters on the weekend... and he did ask me if I wanted to buy one of them. And after thinking about it : if weather allows me to get out of my area in the next days, I plan to buy 1, maybe 2 one-year-old Brahma roosters - so...
  18. Anxiousavocado

    Silkie roosters needs a forever home!

    Meet Pickles. This handsome man is an 8 month old silkie roo looking for a forever home. He is such a sweet boy I hate that I have to re-home him. Rooberty hit my flock hard these past few weeks. Pickles and my big roo have decided they are no longer friends. It never went beyond feather pulling...
  19. TheHerbs3

    Rooster with very swollen eye? Help!

    Hi. I'm not sure what's wrong with this rooster and I would greatly appreciate some assistance. FYI this isn't my rooster, he belongs to the rescue I work at. The rooster is of unknown age, and is probably a barnyard mix. He lives with a mix of other farm animals (chickens, ducks, geese...
  20. C

    Too Many Roos - How to Best Cover Them for Cold Temps?

    I had some hens go broody last summer and sat on the eggs for a while. Then they abandonded them so I put the eggs in a brooder. Of the nine that survived, I got five roosters hatched this past August. I have a coop/run large enough for them all, but the roosters aren't getting along any more...
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