One of my ducks was killed by a dog today (I have 2). Sadly it was my favourite duck who was friendly and calm whilst sitting on your lap. I got another duck today (8 week Khaki) so the other one wouldn’t be so lonely. Both of them are very afraid of me. They’re both around the same age. Is...
I'm trying to figure out how tall I need my fence for ducks and my goose. There isn't many predators around, and less that can be harmful to the adult birds. Just trying to figure out how tall it needs to be to contain my girls.
A month ago I had a flock of 10 including: 3 runners(1m 2f), 4 Campbell’s (3m 1f), 2 Anconas(2m), and 1 m Rouen. We suddenly had a horrible blizzard out of nowhere one night so when one f runner disappeared (we still haven’t found her) we didn’t think much of it, we kinda just assumed she blew...
I have two female ducks a rouen and a pekin. Today while i was cleaning their coop i found a dead bee(probably a honeybee) and my rouen (daisy) acting weird. I felt there might be sometheing wrong with her so I brought her inside the house, she was sleepy since she came inside; she was always so...
so i have decided on getting the rouen ducks. i am thinking of getting 2 ducklings, and i was just wondering if anyone had any advice to give me? what are the supplies i need, is there any important information about this breed, etc. I was also wondering if these ducks like to be cuddled and...
hi again! first off i want to thank everyone who has replied to my threads! yall have been so much help thank you! So after all these suggestions i am now stuck in between getting a welsh harlequin or rouen duckling. Can someone let me know which breed if friendlier and a good breed for a...
Hi again,
My duck Daisy, is an almost 2year old layer rouen which i posted about her symptoms a few months ago. She used to breathe heavily with wheezing sound and sneezed. I gave her enrofloxacin , she was better then again those symptoms started and i’ve been told to give her antibiotics...
Hello! I have owned ducks before but am currently interested in raising some ducklings again! I have a feed supply near me that sells pekin and rouen ducklings and I am doing some research on which breed is more affectionate. Please give me some advice for which breed is more suitable as a pet...
I need to re-home 3 ducks (Rouen/Mallard drakes). Approximately 8 months old. I would love to keep them but my little backyard farm has no room. Located in Nokesville, Virginia.
Hey everybody,
I have a 1/5 y.o rouen duck who is a layer, Currently on antibiotics and also has bumblefoot.
She was asleep like 2mins ago, then suddenly she woke up and start vomiting!! 2months ago this happened, i took her to a vet.The vet diagnosed her with respiratory infection without any...
I live near a park with a pond, and unfortunately sometimes people who no longer want their pet ducks will drop them off there. A few weeks ago this happened to 2 rouen ducks, who didn't integrate into that flock and wandered the neighborhood. When they showed up to my street one of them got...
Hi, BYC buddies!
I am still a newbie and raising some Rouen ducklings. I am paranoid about angel wing developing in my duckies and was wondering if this wing appearance is normal on these young ducklings? They are just starting to feather out. Thanks!
I have 3 drakes and 1 hen that are 5 1/2 months old. I’ve had no problems until 3 days ago. My smallest drake (Memphis) attacked my biggest (King Louie) and apparently tried to drown him. I didn’t witness this, but my fiancé did. Since then King Louie keeps to himself but close by the others and...
Hello all! I’m new to ducks and in May brought home two 8wk old ducklings. The farm we got them from had Anaconas, Rouen, Campbells and Muskvoy ducks for sale, I asked for some females and he brought me what he had left. He wasn’t sure what they were though, kinda a strange situation. So flash...
Last year i got 2 rouen ducklings from the farm store (male and female) and the female started sitting on her first nest this summer on June 9th. She was doing good with the nest and then over night a animal came and ate a bunch of the eggs only leaving...
One of my Rouens went broody for the first time - she’s 2 years old. She hatched two babies on 7/2, and abandoned the nest on 7/6. On 7/7 I went to dump the nest and found one of the eggs was hatching. We brought it inside and let it hatch, and as of this morning we have a third baby.
So I ordered two Rouen ducklings, one male and one female. The male was marked for distinguishing purposes. The problem is the female duckling is growing much faster, and I’ve read that makes are supposed to grow faster. The ducklings are just over a week old. The female is much larger, as I...
I ordered a cackle surprise box, 56 total arrived healthy but lost one last week. Theyre 2 weeks old as of today. Came with 2 ducks anyways i'm keeping them together I've heard mixed reactions if i should keep them together or seperate, when i had them seperated they just made noise all day and...