We recently tested our eggs for lead and found highly elevated levels. We then tested our soil, which also showed high lead content. Although our house was repainted about 8 years ago with lead-free paint, we believe the contamination is from old lead paint that has persisted in the soil...
Hi, so I am building a temporary movable chicken run that will marry up to the movable coop (very well built and predator proof).
This is what I have so far. I have 1 side and some to find some scrap hardware cloth to cover with and add some side support boards. It’s light weight (1x2) and...
We've got a Run Chicken auto door (Model E50) that's been performing great, so we snagged another for the second coop we're tinkering with. Considering adding Bielfelders to our crew; they can get sizable.
Quick question: is our 10” x 8” door size good for this breed? Appreciate the info!
Hi all! New to chickens and starting to plan my permanent run for my 12 BSL pullets.
My run will be long and skinny : 21’x5’ and built along the outer wall of our barn (the coop is a room inside the barn).
My question is… does it really need to tall enough for me to walk in it? I know it...
Anyone else having early closing issues with the “Run Chicken” door using GPS?
I’ve been back and forth with customer service. The door was working fine for several months and then suddenly it started closing early. Sometimes up to 2 hours early. It did this once while I was out of province and...
I took an old carport frame and installed metal roofing on top and upper sides, with chicken wire down lower. 6'x8' insulated and heated coup building for cold weather.
Hi all. I started a thread and we are receiving loads of help for the many issues with our well-built but stupidly designed supposedly Amish-built coop by HenHouse collection.
I’m starting this thread so it’s all about the run room in the winter. We haven’t decided if we should free range or...
Plenty of threads on here about the Run Chicken door which appears to actually work and be worthwhile. I accidentally bought a "Chicken House Door" from this website wondertelaripoff and it is a piece of junk. Didn't work out of the box. I realize after looking at the website that they are using...