sick chicken

  1. K

    My chicken is pale, lethargic, and is staying in the coop. HELP!!

    My chicken has a pale comb and wattle. She is not eating and I am really worried, another chicken in my flock died with the same symptoms a few weeks ago. She is about 2 years old, she is a golden comet. I did notice that maybe he had loose stool, like more watery than usual. But not sure. She...
  2. Chikpeas

    Chicken Medications - Helpful Resource

    Hopefully this is the right place to plop this information! I've noticed a lot of fellow chicken tenders on here having trouble with obtaining medications like antibiotics, Corid, permethrine, etc. to treat their chickens (especially those rural folks who, like me, don't have access to an...
  3. PeepingK

    Ascites in young laying pullet

    Hey everyone! So I purchased a 5 month old pullet (not laying yet) from a trusted and well known breeder in my area. She is a BC1 Olive Egger (BCM x Silverrudds blue). When I first brought her home this past July I didn’t notice anything off about her but about a month and half or so later I...
  4. Quacking ducks

    Is my chicken hen sick?

    Hi, this morning I noticed 1 of my chicken’s wasn’t acting right. She was sitting a lot and not moving very much, she’s not really drinking anything and her crop is full. I isolated her this afternoon with water and no food for a few hours and her crop was still full. Is she sick? What’s wrong...
  5. S

    Mouth Canker Help

    Hello! I haven’t made any posts in here yet so i’m not sure how this works, but i’ll try to keep it succinct: Our chicken, Gerta, has canker. I’ve checked it next to other diseases and the symptoms match closely with this one, though her case isn’t as severe as some. She’s an otherwise...
  6. A

    Coryza? Coccidiosis? Help!

    Hi all, I'm afraid we're going to lose one of our original hens. This morning, she wouldn't come out of the coop with the rest. She was laying down, legs not working, BEET red eyes (they're usually yellow/orange). We brought her inside and laid her in the bathtub. This is when we noticed that...
  7. PeepingK

    HELP! Sudden weight loss and death in hens

    I’m heart broken that I have to make this post but I really don’t want to lose my girl… About a week or so ago I noticed that my BCM hen, Poppy, was very underweight. Thought maybe it was due to her moulting (she’s 11 months old) but she’s gotten progressively worse over this past week, she’s...
  8. mychickensgivemelife

    Please help my Penny found her like this after being the backyard!!

    PLEASE READ I AM DESPERATE: Penny is a young healthy chicken full of personality we’re in the middle of winter so I know she’s not overheating I’m worried she’s hurt her poor little wing badly I’m taking her to vet tomorrow since it’s night now her only symptoms are fatigue closing of the eyes...
  9. titosfarm

    penicillin g use for sick chicken

    I have a chicken who has been struggling for weeks. I recently made a post about her, but her symptoms are: weakness in legs, light crop, mucus/drainage from nose, and struggle balancing. We debated just putting her down but she is still very responsive and we hate to if we don’t have to. The...
  10. T

    Buckling Knees! Help!

    Hi All, I have a 16.5 week old lavender orpington (honestly I can't tell if it's a roo/hen yet 🤷🏼‍♀️) that developed an unsteady gait about 4 weeks ago that has progressively gotten worse. He/she was hatched by a bantam hen that was broody and egg-napped it 😆 she was a great mommy to it! About...
  11. P

    Raspy sounding chicken, weak but alert

    I have a 9 mo old Wyondotte sounding raspy, showing weakness, tired, etc. No discharge, eyes and nose, mouth are clear. She is weak, but alert. Poop Is brownish green and a bit runny/watery. She has been eating and drinking normally (seemed to be drinking a lot of water), but this morning I...
  12. Spicegirlfam

    HELP, MY CHICKEN IS SICK what do I do?

    My Wyandot named Sesame is realy sick. She is weak and fatigued, she will barely move, eat, or drink. Her poop is white and liquidy. I suspect she has Pollorum (A salmonella variant) due to her white diarriah. This is the first day we noticed symptoms. Currently she is isolated in a...
  13. I

    Chicken crop issues

    Hi! New here. We have a chicken that has a potential impacted crop, definitely sour crop, and we have been doing as much research as possible and home treatment. From isolating her, giving her water with acv and electrolytes, olive oil to help move things along and loosen up (don’t worry, we...
  14. I

    My chicken can't move??

    Okay, my hen has been sick for one day now. She doesn't have any other symptoms except not being able to move. I've been syringe giving her vitamins and ectrolytes. Her poop doesn't have any worms, she's not wheezing. I'm really confused what's wrong with her 😞
  15. kreidepriinnz


    One of my chickens had this weird foam in her eye, the other was really swollen, and had a sort of mucus discharge coming out of it when i wiped it off with a clean cloth and room temp water. it looks scabby around her eye, and i thought it was poop at first which really concerned me. i...
  16. L

    Lethargic Chicken Can't Figure Out Why - Help Needed

    So one of my ISA Browns just started laying about 2-3 weeks ago now. She was hatched out March 30th, 2022 (about 5 months old now) and weighs about 3-5 pounds. Suddenly at the beginning of this week (Monday September 3rd) she became extremely lethargic. To explain how lethargic, my chickens free...
  17. H

    Sick chicken, what could it have been?

    Hi first time on here. Can anyone help me identify why my hen got sick and died. I found her sitting beside the water five days ago, she was wet under her chin and when I picked her up and moved her I noticed a gurgling sound from her crop and some fluid came from her beak when I picked her...
  18. E

    Sick chicken semi-recovering but still watery poop

    Hello, I have looked at so many posts (and gross poop pictures!) but can’t find same specifics— During the heat wave a few weeks ago our 1year 8 month chicken got very sick - not leaving the roost, all liquid poop, empty crop and missing feathers around her bottom & chest while we were away...
  19. izzybider

    Chicken waddling like a penguin, mass on abdomen

    Hello! I was putting my flock in their coop this evening, and noticed one of the chickens walking upright like a waddling penguin instead of the horizontal way chickens typically walk (see the dark orange/brown chicken on the right in the attached photo). She sort of scoots around. I read online...
  20. Z

    sick chicken???

    hi our 2 year old hen is looking quite sick. she has lost a bit of weight i can feel some of her bones on her lower side. her comb is pale and shrunk. she now just lays down all day and doesn’t seem to get up and move. all of our chickens have stopped laying eggs due to the heat right now but...
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