silkie gender

  1. 23kthistlethwaite

    Silkie Gender?

    Hi all! I have a 16 week silkie and was wondering if anyone could tell me the gender yet 😁
  2. backyardinosaur

    Sizzle Silkie Color and Gender!

    Hey there! I purchased this little cutie yesterday, and was told it was about 3-4 days old. Very sweet, sizzle silkie that really enjoys attention. It’s definitely the right size, but I’m impressed by its feather growth! Is it pretty common for some chicks to have as much growth as this? As...
  3. larkellen37

    10 week old Silkie sexing

    Hi all! First time urban chicken owner here. I am not allowed to keep roosters so if anyone has any thoughts on whether my chickies are roos or pullets I would be so grateful! I know silkies are notoriously tricky to sex, but just getting an idea will be super helpful. :) I raised them since...
  4. Q

    Silkie guesses 4.5 weeks

    Hey! 4.5 week old black silkie. Best guesses? Thanks!!
  5. B

    Update on my silkies- any gender guesses now? Approaching 9 weeks old

    Number one Number 2 (99 percent sure Tina here is a Rooster) Number 3- also thinking rooster Number 4 (Tofus face is hardly visible lol I REALLY HOPE she’s a she) number 5 and the last-
  6. allebasi4

    Yet another silkie gender guessing game (10 weeks)

    Hi! I hope ya’ll aren’t tired of silkie genders yet haha. This is my first and only silkie, so I’m not super familiar with them other than what I’ve read here. I know that they’re difficult to sex & I likely won’t find out until crowing/egg laying. I don’t need to find out now, but I’m just...
  7. M

    20 week silkie sexing help

    Any ideas? The black one is smaller and loves to be under the other 2 lol Don't mind my Ee roo photo bombing lol No one has raspberries or wattles yet from what I can tell. No crows or eggs but the grey one is chatty.
  8. cluelesschickmother

    4 - 5 Month Bearded SILKIES!! Roos or Hens??

    I just bought these adorable four silkies from a local breeder that are about 4 1/2 months. She thinks they are all hens, but wasn't positive about the white paint or black/grey ones. As you can see they are all imperfect, which is why she was selling them, the buff is about a third the size of...
  9. D

    7 week silkies

    We have 4 silkies that are 7 weeks old and are trying to know the gender. Below are chickens A-D. Thank you for any help.
  10. sassy1637

    The Sex my Silkie game

    Okay Ladies & Gentlemen, we are going to play a game of Sex my Silkies! I have looked at so many threads with Silkie sexing, and am still STUMPED. So, if you're bored, and want to throw out some input, please DO! :):wee This one hatched April 3rd (just over 3 months old, or 14 weeks old)...
  11. Cayden05

    Silkie Pullet or Cockerel?!

    This my 12 1/2 week old Silkie. Does anyone know what gender he/she is? (His/Her crest is wet because of the rain)
  12. SureFineWhatever

    Silkie guessing game!

    I have 4 adorable silkie babes and was wondering what colors they are and also (if it isn’t too early) their sex. #1 Garbanzo. I’m pretty sure he’s a boy but also 🤷‍♀️ #2 Waffle. Who is probably also a boy because he’s the sweetest and most curious. #3 Maple. ( #4 Fern Maple (L)...
  13. Sexing Silkies

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everybody! When I first got my silkie chicks I searched for everything about them, especially about sexing them, as I had heard that silkies are very hard to sex. Surprisingly, once I tried it, it didn't seem that hard. Searching around, I found that there are no articles on how to sex...
  14. H

    What Gender is Our Silkie?

    Hi! We were really hoping for a hen when we got our Silkie, but as Dolly is getting older, it is seeming she may actually be a rooster. Is about 12 weeks in age. Any thoughts??
  15. Caden Clinton

    Need help sexing a buff silkie

    Hello, I have now owned silkies for about four days! The one in the picture is probably about 7 weeks old. I know that the only way to truly find their gender is through DNA testing. I just want a basic idea on what you guys think this beautiful buff is. Thanks!:D
  16. ChrissyMP

    Silkie Chicken gender

    Hello! I am new to this site and these are my first silkie chicks, but I have been reading lots of things online about how it is difficult to tell their gender at a young age. I’m just curious if anyone on here thinks my black silkie will turn out to be a rooster, just based off of memory on how...
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