
  1. FluffAndFeather

    Baby chick name suggestions

    Good evening y’all! I’m getting 3 bantams chicks soon and I need names! I am hoping for all girls! I may get silkies vs Belgian duccles so if you have an opinion on those breeds I would love to hear it!! Thanks!
  2. CassieTheChickenTender

    Silkies :)

    This is mostly just for fun. 😉 They are only 5 1/2 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks The first two pics are of the 5 week olds. One is a crossbeak and is probly why she is smaller. The 3rd pic is the 3 week old which I'm sure will be super hard to guess what it will be. I'm gonna be doing gender testing so...
  3. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Poll - Favorite silkie color/type? (For art)

    Hello! I've got artist's block and I need to do something about it or it will never go away. So can you guys answer a little poll for me? You can choose one of each, a type (the ones like ~this~) and a color (the rest). You have two votes and you can change them at any time. My only requests...
  4. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    Silly Silkies - My Babes

    It hasn't been very long with these silly babies, but I have had so much fun with them! I had to give away a white roo because he was attacking our other one, and I lost a black showgirl to a raccoon. The losses were really hard and I miss them so much, but the babes I have now are beautiful and...
  5. Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

    My little chicken coop friends :)

    My silkie chicks are growing up so fast! The rooster (The gray one) is crowing like crazy just because it's fun, and my hen is very active. Cookie is the gray showgirl silkie, and Peanut is the buff bearded silkie. I love them!
  6. S

    Free Silkie Males

    We purchased 6 white silkie bantams they have been vaccinated and are wonderful birds Born March 10th 2023- Unfortunately 5 were roosters, and where we live we cannot have 5 roosters. In Connecticut- we will bring to you so we can see where they there new home and if it’s adequate. Only...
  7. L

    4 week old silkie sexes

    Hey there I realise the general consensus is that silkies are notoriously hard to sex, however, we have a clutch of 5 chicks that are now 4 weeks old. Two of the chicks have been consistently chest bumping and easing their wings at each other since week 2. The rest of the flock have small...
  8. F

    New member learning about /Silkie/Showgirl/Sizzle

    Hi Guys, I'm Suebee (nickname) and I live on a small farm in New England . Excited to be joining the group . I have had a backyard flock of assorted egglayers for years. A few years ago I acquired a few silkies of course that's led to more ... and early this year I became enamored with...
  9. B

    Silkie chicks about 10 weeks old

    Hello, I have had chickens in the past but I’ve never been good at sexing them, I have wanted silkies forever and I decided to get some. I realized afterwards that they weren’t pullets, the issues is that my town doesn’t allow more than a single rooster. And I’m afraid I’ll have to get rid of...
  10. cece_chickens

    Bearded or non bearded silkies?

    Hello! In back again with the bearded question 😂 they are now 2 weeks old and im kind of worried they might not be bearded! I have some other bearded silkie chicks and they all are showing the big fluffy cheeks. Any non bearded silkies I’ll be giving away to a friend. I have a non bearded chick...
  11. M

    Pet Silkie rooster and silkie egg layer need to be rehomed

    Need to rehome our two pet silkie chickens they need to be together as a pair anyone who would like them or knows anyone who would want pet chickens I will give them for free they aren’t your average chickens they are silkies. I have a silkie chicken hen egg layer will be two years old in...
  12. The Backyard Bantams

    Silkie laid an eggy at only 22 weeks?

    So my five little silkie girls have started squatting as of a week or two. I was quite suprised, as they are only 5 1/2 months or so. I can't be sure of who pooped the beautiful nugget, but i know it was one of them. Lulu (my duccle) lays rounder, creamier eggs. Although it wasn't completely...
  13. erinolivia19

    Help! Two Silkies Sick(Respiratory)

    Hello, everyone! I have never posted anything on here before, so I hope someone will see this PLEASE HELP. I have two 6 month old silkies, who are both displaying respiratory stress, one more than the other. They are both quarantined as well. The first bird(the more sick one) has been sneezing...
  14. R

    Sexing silkies

    I have a beautiful bearded Silkie who I'm guessing is around 4 months old. I haven't seen any major rooster like behaviour and no crowing. However while drying in front of the fire today I noticed they are developing a rather upright stance and straighter tail. They are also bigger than the...
  15. Energystreet

    Crack the genetics challenge!! Silkie/cochin family tree mystery for 9wk chicks

    Ok, I'm a chicken genetics novice. But I need your experienced eyes and minds to help solve this riddle. A black silkie rooster mates with a white cochin hen . They have a chick that is a 50/50 silkie/cochin mix. The black silkie mates with both mother and daughter hens. Two similar sized eggs...
  16. 2E0AD6B3-8F72-4822-855B-A9A2CA2D1D07.jpeg


    I am a new momma to baby Silkies🥰 New members of my family
  17. iroeldjoeldj

    Available Chickies Southern California

    Chickies are flying out of the coops! While I love to keep all ages, lately the chickies have been flying the coop! Let me know if you have been waiting for chickies…I have a large assortment of ages, and breeds. I love to put together multiple breeds in a coop, so you can bring them home...
  18. diamondsilkies

    For Sale (AZ): White Silkie Cockerels from Bobbi Porto

    I have two white bearded silkie cockerels, hatched in mid November. They are both vaccinated for Marek's disease. I purchased them from Bobbi Porto of Indigo Egg as babies, but ended up with a couple more roosters than I need. Neither of them are aggressive. I don't have the permits for shipping...
  19. B

    Silkie Sexing Project! (will get updated)

    **lots of pics included** HI EVERYONE :hugs So I think I’m gonna go ahead and get started on my silkie sexing project. I do plan on updating this once they are fully grown and the differences between the guys and gals are obvious. I know, I know, lots of people forget to update, but I’m...
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