
  1. Purple_grape84

    So COLD, Chickens inside, when to go back out?

    I have two silkies, not sure of age, prob less than one year, male and female, I brought them inside when it got really cold (-30 C), I heard they couldn't handle the cold like other breeds because of their feathers. They are happily hanging out in my basement in a small concrete floored room...
  2. B

    Taming Silkie chicks??? Help!!

    Hi all So I’m a little upset. Not mad, just kinda disappointed. I got some silkie chicks on Thursday, they are about 2 weeks old, maybe a few days older. They are SUPER skittish. I mean, really. I offered them some grass (and other treats I read were safe for baby chicks) and they acted like...
  3. B

    Silkie chicks: bearded or not??

    Hi all I finally did it!! I got some SILKIES!! :celebrate I’ve only had them for a few days and they’re still a bit jumpy, so the pics aren’t great. They are about 2 weeks old (my aunt got them when they were a week old and kept them for another week so she could surprise me for my...
  4. SilkieNewbie!


  5. Chickiesnca

    Sexing 5 week old chicks

    Hello all! I am aware Silkie chicks are very difficult to sex up until they are mature. However, I am very eager to know the sex of my two silkies. They're both about 5 weeks old and I was told they were both hens but am skeptical about the accuracy of their sexing. Does anyone have any other...
  6. TammyDFl

    Good Morning

    My neighbors have a small mixed flock of hens that I have spoiled over the last year. While at the local feed store they had chicks and I grabbed the tiniest black silkie. Nevermore has been raised inside over the winter and after it warmed up spends his days in his outside coop and comes in at...
  7. EmilySmith2525

    Help I don't know which day to go on Lockdown and what to use?

    Hi, So I am on day 14 of incubation currently so not long left now it's my first time incubating silkies so I am full of questions haha. I have Silkie's and and White Sussex in the incubator and I am confused as to when lockdown will be. I originally thought lockdown was day 18, however I...
  8. Thehappyheifer

    Where to buy a SQ pair

    I am looking for a sq silkie pair, I'm looking to spend $500-$1000. Could anyone point me in a good direction? Do I need to spend more?
  9. J&Kfeatheredfowl

    Small fowl with large fowl?

    Hey all! I was curious if a Cochin hen and a brahma hen can happily live with silkies? I just don’t want the little silkies getting hurt ( e.g stepped on) thx in advance
  10. Napa Neophyte

    Do I need to lower the coop for Silkies and Frizzles?

    Hello All, I am new to all of this and think I may have made a big design error. I'm planning on getting silkies and frizzle chicks in a few weeks. In working with a not so helpful person at the local HD on the cuts for the legs of my coop, I went for a much longer length. Now the opening...
  11. Sierra Hughes

    Help me sex my 1 1/2 month old SILKIES!

    Hey guys! I have a flock of four silkie chicks! They are almost two months and ONE OF THEM IS TRYING TO CROW. First time having silkies and I'm having trouble sexing them.
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