silver laced polish

  1. B

    Polish cock with wry neck, suggestions and help wanted!!

    My 1 year old silver laced polish rooster got wry neck in early december, not long after his brother died on Pneumonia. He tuckes his head under his body and only on his right side. He is eating and drinking on his own, and will ge up to walk from one end of his temperary housing to the other to...
  2. M

    Silver Laced Polish-Oklahoma

    I’m looking for silver and or gold laced polish, preferably pullet.. within 60 miles Muskogee Oklahoma. This is my first post, please be kind. 🫶🏼
  3. isabellajosie

    Introducing a Polish Chicken to an Existing Flock w Rooster?

    Hello, all. Now that spring is here, I plan on adding some new chicks to my existing flock of 7, one rooster and six hens. I work at a place that sells chicks during the spring and in our recent shipment we ended up with a single Polish. I believe she is a Silver Laced Polish, but she is the...
  4. B

    Can Polish be put with other chickens?

    I was thinking of getting at least one Silver Laced Polish to go in my new flock but was wondering if it was safe since they’re so skittish? The new flock so far has a Welsummer, a Dominicker, a Rhode Island Red, and an Easter Egger. I don’t want to get a Polish and have it be tortured by the...
  5. missmaqs

    Silver Laced Polish - 11 Weeks - I am scared - Made a weird sound once

    Hi I have an 11 wk silver laced polish that I am confused about. Her brother started crowing a couple weeks ago and got a bunch of red bits around his face. This morning when all of my roosters were going off, the bird in question made one weird yell. I have a couple hens who scream with my...
  6. Jaime918

    In Search Of..... :)

    :frow:frow Hello everyone! Happy Holidays! I'm trying to plan ahead of time and figure out my game plan. So I'm searching early as I plan to acquire probably Feb.-Mar. '22. I've looked at hatcheries and either they don't have what I want in hatching eggs or after doing research, their...
  7. M

    Silver laced polish hen or roo??

    I took in this 3 month old polish today and hoping it's a hen! Any idea?
  8. V

    Who’s Your Daddy?

    I have 8 baby chicks that were sired (proper term?) by a Barred Rock or a Sliver Laced Polish. I’m fairly certain about the hens each chick came from. If y’all could help me identify a sire and/or gender I’d be very greatful! (I’ll post updated pics in about 6 weeks-if I remember, lol). They all...
  9. P

    Breeding for the first time

    I have a silver laced polish rooster & 2 polish hens. One is a silver laced as well the other is a buff laced polish. I'm wondering if anyone had ever bred a silver laced polish roster with a buff laced polish hen & what were the results? I'm a new chicken mom & don't know how the genetics...
  10. Haileebird

    Chicken calculators and my simple mind

    Hey guys I'm fairly new to fowl in general and I've spent the last 2 hours trying to make sense of multiple genetics calculators - I simply don't understand them. I don't understand the coding or even how to input my birds to find out what I'm looking for. If someone could explain to me in...
  11. S

    White Silkie and Polish Gender???

    I’ve have an 8 week old white Silkie and silver laced polish. What do you all think on the gender? The Silkie is the dominant one out of the bunch and started crowing a couple days ago. My brother said that his dominant hens crow in the mornings too. The Polish is very calm and not aggressive...
  12. CheyHumanBeing

    Hello! New Chicken and Duck owner here!

    Hey all! It's nice to finally convince myself to join as I find myself browsing this website to find the answers to the many questions I've had about raising new babies! I browse mostly at work and don't have pictures here but I will find my way to the site on my phone and post some pics of my...
  13. BabyAndPoki

    Appenzeller Spitzhauben/Silver Laced Polish Chickies!

    I hatched these babies out two day ago!
  14. CalBickieMomma

    Buff Orpington Roo with Silver Laced Polish - Yes or No?

    Hello chicken experts! I have a mixed flock of 11 and 10 week old chicks, one of which is a Buff Orpington cockerel. Two of the pullets are Silver Laced Polish. I've read a little bit about the Polish and get the impression that they are on the delicate side and also smaller than the average...
  15. CalBickieMomma

    Hello! I'm new!

    Hello everyone! I'm a new member of BackYard Chickens, but I've been visiting your forums on and off over the years. Thought I should make it official in case I have some advice/help to offer ;). I'm not brand new to chickens at all. I had pet chickens while growing up, then took a break...
  16. CityslickerHomestead

    3 Silver Laced Polish - All Pullets?

    What do you think? Am I three for three? They are all about 9 to 10 weeks old. Thanks! Here is SL Polish #1
  17. CityslickerHomestead

    Crowing at 9ish weeks?

    I know crowing doesn’t necessarily mean cockerel, but I let my girls out this morning, and Beyoncé, one of my three SL Polish with the biggest and fastest forming crest, was on the highest roosting bar, crowing its heart out. It was super adorable! I had to run off to work so I didn’t take any...
  18. CityslickerHomestead

    In Search of Photos of Your Chickens

    Hi! I am brand-new to raising chickens and realized not long after I got my chicks that they may not be what the feed store said they were. Also I read the hatchery they came from may not be the most reputable. I believe they are 4-5 weeks old and I think I have two Welsummers, three SL Polish...
  19. S

    KCMO Silver Laced Polish for Trade

    Hey all, I have a beautiful and very sweet Silver Laced Polish for trade in the Kansas City area. She is about 25 weeks. She has not yet started laying. She has been trying to crow like a rooster lately and as I am a worry wart and don’t want to upset neighbors, she has to leave the flock. FYI...
  20. E

    Looking for Polish Hatching Eggs

    Hi! I have been searching for Tolbunt and Silver laced Polish hatching eggs. It’s proving to be hard to find any especially in October. Anyone have any thoughts on where to find some hatching eggs?
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