Hi I can’t figure out what is wrong with one of my Rhode Island Reds. I’m in northern Florida, so whenever it rains a lot and gets muddy, my lady Narrow Beak’s feet get red around her toes, between them, and around the heel. When it gets drier, her feet get better. I always assumed her...
My Dominique hen In Albis seems to be having trouble. She was broody for about a week or more some weeks ago and is no longer broody. I found out she has bumble and have been treating it. Today I saw yellow stuff on her feet and legs what could that be? Is she shedding her scales? She is...
My chickens have started to go very slowly. Maybe its the age but it doesn’t quite seem right. Taking months to pass in very miserable ways. Last chicken was not quite herself, very slow and standing still a lot and at the end i had to put her down because she had not drank for 4 days and...
My chicken Ophelia has been acting so strange. She is a two year old barred rock that lives in Hawaii with 4 sister chickens. I clean her water regularly and add new mulch to her large outdoor enclosure. The last week and a half she has been lethargic and moving slower...
Any thoughts on how I should proceed with my four-month-old Easter Egger? We're rather worried as she has been listless, separate from the other four hens, and uninterested in food. Today she mostly stayed seated on the coop floor by herself. She can walk, but very slowly, with her head hanging...
Hi everyone!
This morning I noticed that my OO pullet was kind of in slow motion. Not all excited to be out of the coop like the rest of them. She kind of moseys around, lays down, and keeps to herself. She’s eating and drinking but not foraging like the rest and she’s been hanging out in...
I have a hen that I think lays massive double yolkers every few days and has been acting sluggish. Her crop feels fine, not symptoms in eyes. Vaccinated for Mareaks and the thing with the C that I always forget, and is about 2 years old. She closes her eyes sometimes in the sun, goes in...
We have a 5 week old Americana chick that seems to be having issues with its crop.
I have been reading up on the Sour Crop and Impacted Crop and having issues troubleshooting. The chick is fully active pooping, eating and drinking lots of water so I’m a little confused on...
Help! I have a chicken who was acting strange last night. She hasn’t started laying and is 6/7 months old. Around 5PM I noticed she was more on edge than usual, she was darting everywhere and her feathers seemed a little wet on her breast and under her chin and she just looked almost bewildered...
I have a flock of twelve at the moment, with six more on the way. We've just moved our latest chicks in with the big girls, and I noticed something strange. Our Belgian D'Uccle bantam has always been the tamest, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's less that she's tame and more that she doesn't...
We noticed a Saturday AM that a three yr old Speckled Sussex looks like a balloon and was moving very slowly. A few hours later she was lying down when the other 9 were not.
I did as much research as I could and decided to give her a bath because her butt was dirty and maybe it was vent...
I got questions on their behavior I’ve asked around before but maybe the right users weren’t on. I have a 5 week old LB and curious about behavior she seems very lazy I know they are a very docile breed but don’t know to what extent. While the other girls are busy scratching and foraging away...
I have about a 2 year old Americana hen. She's the original of the fourr that we had. She hasn't laid eggs for about a year. In the last week she hasn't jumped into the coop when it gets dark.
She just stayed outside so we set up a separate house for her. Even so we have to lift her up...
Hey guys! I have an older hen who is a red comet. She’s about 5 or 6 years old... I’m not too sure. But she was recently molting, poor thing, and of course during the cold. I’m aware that she has frostbite on her comb, and she has an impacted crop. Another hen has feet lice and was wondering if...
I'm afraid I have bad news. Mustang, the buff brahma bantam chick, has passed away earlier today. The two remaining chicks, Noel and Nina (brahma and cochin), are weak, unstable, and seem very "groggy". I brought them inside and cleaned the coop. Nina's condition has been deteriorating while...
I need help diagnosing my chicken!
Cheeko chicken is about 5 years old and has suddenly become lethargic. During the day she doesn't walk around much, and prefers to lay down which is quite unlike her. She still is still walking, just not as active, and at night she still flys up to her perch...
Today, when I went out to feed my chickens, my young pullet was acting strange. She (I think a Brahma bantam) was sluggish and quiet. I took her out of the coop and found she had a piece of straw stuck in her throat, but when I tugged on it, it wouldn't budge. It seemed to give her difficulty...