One chick dead, Two chicks Sluggish-- two-month-old chicks


7 Years
Mar 13, 2016
Northern California
I'm afraid I have bad news. Mustang, the buff brahma bantam chick, has passed away earlier today. The two remaining chicks, Noel and Nina (brahma and cochin), are weak, unstable, and seem very "groggy". I brought them inside and cleaned the coop. Nina's condition has been deteriorating while Noel is recovering. Their poop is normal and they were otherwise healthy.

Does anyone know what has happened or what is wrong? Please, I love my babies very much and I don't want to watch them slowly die.
I am so sorry for you loss. Not sure where in CA you are... how's the weather? Assuming that they are not too cold, could they be sick? Is Coccidiosis a possibility?
It may be coccidiosis but there is no and there hasn't been any blood in their stools. It gets pretty chilly here at night so we still have their lamp set up. It can sometimes drop to 20 or below on extremely cold night but that's rare. I called an expert and she said I was right for moving them into my room w/food and water and there may not be a lot I can do.
I am far from an expert so I am hoping someone else chimes in for you... my thought might be to start Corid just in case but I really can't say. If the cold is the issue, sounds like you're already addressing that. Perhaps a heating pad but you would also have to make sure not too hot. I am so sorry. I know what it feels like when you are not sure what is wrong and how to save them. How old are they?

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