small coop

  1. J

    Small mobile chicken coop Shabby Shiek

  2. Grayspots

    The L'Oeuf Shack

    What do you get when you mix B-52s, chickens, and bad puns? A little ol' place to get together with a TIN ROOF! ...RUSTED! I haven't built the coop yet (going to see if my fence guy would be willing to take it on as a project), but I did learn 3D modeling in a weekend so I could have real plans...
  3. Austinms

    Mischievous Hens

    Hello Flock, I have four 9-month-old Buff Orpingtons. They live in a small prefabricated coop (rated for four chickens but I doubt these claims) but free-range all day. I believe it is 2x2 with two roosting bars and nesting boxes (not included in the size). I have installed an automatic coop...
  4. Playhouse coop (Edited November 2022)

    Playhouse coop (Edited November 2022)

    This is my 1995 Fisher Price Barbie ice cream parlor playhouse. The house measures 48” long x 35” wide x 52” high, inside headroom is about 48” Starting with the base build we purchased: 4 2x4x8 15 feet of 1 inch hardware cloth. Deck screws and washers. 1 4x4 cheap OSB flooring panel. 4 L...
  5. Small Tropical Desert/Savanaha Coop

    Small Tropical Desert/Savanaha Coop

    Small Tropical Desert/Savanah Coop A simple coop design for a small backyard flock in a hot dry climate. When researching coops I found very few coops for hot weather online but I got some solid local advice, the below design is based on what works for me in my climate. Notable features: -...
  6. Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop

    Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop

    When first reading about chicken keeping a new chicken owner is certain to hear many claims that a particular method is the Absolute Ultimate in good chicken care. One of these methods is Deep Bedding. What is Deep Bedding? How is it different from Deep Litter? Why should you choose this...
  7. E

    Two new batams with two old buffs

    We have a tiny 12sq ft coop that has 4 nesting boxes stacked and one roost 18inches off the ground. We have two older buffs in there and I have two bantams temporarily living in my shed. Will they all able to comfortably live together? They haven’t met yet but plan on doing an intro in the run...
  8. Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    A while ago we bought a chicken coop for our 5 chickens. We soon found out that it will be too small. We will work on expanding it soon. BUT for the time being, we had another problem to focus on.... Our chickens were sleeping in the nesting boxes! They have had a habit to huddle together ever...
  9. Our Tinycoop

    Our Tinycoop

    We have built a small chicken coop for our 4 chicks. The coop is 29" by 46" and the coop and attached run are 6 ft. tall, so we can walk into the run. The run goes under the coop as well, to add a little more space. The coop has about 9 square feet and the run has 15 square feet. I know this is...
  10. ejtalbert

    Deep Litter Method in SMALL COOP??

    Hi! I'm Emily, and I have 5 12-week old pullets. They stay in the run most of the day, which is aprx 95sq feet. (fenced in because we live in the countryside-suburbs) I have heard that the deep litter method can amount to up to 12 inches of compost, and I just don't know if there is enough...
  11. The Enchanted Tiki Coop: Our New England Suburban Coop and Run

    The Enchanted Tiki Coop: Our New England Suburban Coop and Run

    Spring 2020: I've been quietly lurking on BYC for four years, planning, waiting... And last October, my small city relaxed the chicken keeping laws, allowing flocks of up to 6 hens on a residential property, if properly registered. Over the winter, I hatched my plans, and in March–just before...
  12. PA Suburban Chicken Coop

    PA Suburban Chicken Coop

    I am completely new to chickens and after discovering BYC and looking through literally hundreds of coops, I pulled together a design that I hope will work well for my ladies. I started out with 5 day old pullets (Mildred, Mabel, Ethel, Lupé, and Harriet) about 5 weeks ago, and I’m obsessed...
  13. humblehillsfarm

    Here's my DIY Coop!

    I have zero design and carpentry skills so I spent A LOT of time just on the design, pricing materials, setting up my work space, etc. All that I had was a circular saw, drill, a triangular measuring tool, and measuring tape. I used 2x4s but next time I would only make the base frame from 2x4s...
  14. P

    New chickens + old chickens at night

    Hello everyone! So, we just got two new chickens to add to our two-chicken flock. We made the calculated decision (although it ended up being a mistake, which we knew it could be when we did it) to let them interact after one day of separating them through cages. Pecking order ensued. My...
  15. So Cal coop

    So Cal coop

    So we got our first chickens 4 years ago. We started small with only two, Lucy(RIR) and Ethel(Buff Orpinton). There are only two of us and how many eggs do we really need??? At the time, we bought just a tiny prefab coop and added a run(aka, the Hen Pen) that was completely enclosed and predator...
  16. Scareab

    Best coop for 2-3 chickens?

    Hello! I’m now in the process of ordering or making a coop. I’m only going to have 2-3 chickens and all of them will be free range. (We have a large field in the back that has plenty of bug yummies for them) So we want a safe coop in the backyard for them to sleep well and protected. The things...
  17. Three French Hens Coop

    Three French Hens Coop

    When I was a kid, my grandfather had about 30 hens in an enclosed coop (1970's) and supplied the neighbourhood with fresh eggs (for a modest price). When I had kids of my own, was living "in town" and heard them refer to a squirrel as a "wild animal", I thought "Hmmm... these kids need more...
  18. Caden Clinton

    2-3 Chicken Silkie Coop

    I am looking to build a coop with my dad. The images below are the dimensions and the finished product of the coop. The run will be 7x3. The coop itself will be 4x3. Is it alright that the large vent is where it is? I live in humid sometimes wet weather so I need a lot of air circulation so that...
  19. Lil Home

    Lil Home

    the beginning
  20. A coop story

    A coop story

    Chickies seen through the porch window ^ So. DH has finally decided that every coop suggestion I've made is worthless, and that he will not be satisfied unless he builds the coop. Since he doesn't know much about chickens, I have a great of design influence, but...
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