
  1. Suzyqlou's Chicken Coop

    Suzyqlou's Chicken Coop

    Drumroll, please, here's my coop! The chickens think it's done. They seem pleased with it. Well, the coop is livable, but I'm still puttering with it. One of these days, I'll finish painting all the trim and replace the tarp with lovely green shade cloth, framed in a respectable-looking...
  2. Kippenhouses Chicken Coop

    Kippenhouses Chicken Coop

    Garden Roof Chicken Coop My husband 'thought out loud' that maybe we should get chickens. I quickly realized that would mean I would get to build a cool chicken coop and I was in! The chicken coop design quickly turned into an obsession. Here were my goals; -I wanted to build it once, so...
  3. Bscorpio73s Chicken Coop

    Bscorpio73s Chicken Coop

    Bleu Scorpion's Page .I am a mother to 3 wonderful boys. We have 2 cats, and 7chickens I also have a wonderful husband that tolerates us all. Our Family Coop Our Chickens Ladies sitting in window...
  4. The Condo Guys Chicken Coop

    The Condo Guys Chicken Coop

    Palais de Poulet in Dallas Well we started online like so many and found a guy on in the coop section that fit what I wanted the coop to look like. He offered great step by step plans that were easy to follow (even for novices)! We can't thank him enough! You can find his...
  5. Flatcreekfarms Chicken Coop

    Flatcreekfarms Chicken Coop

    My Starter Coop and very first Building Project! Let me preface this by saying: I've never built anything by myself -- only assisted hubby in remodeling projects, etc. Secondly, I've had chickens several years ago - like 20+ years ago, so I'm having fun renewing my chicken knowledge. I've...
  6. Nerd0geekboyzs Chicken Coop

    Nerd0geekboyzs Chicken Coop

    I embarked on raising chickens for eggs after having a conversation with a fellow Master Composter who raises chickens. Well, as my wife said, I should have built the coop first. After 12-13 weeks, my Amercauna, Rhode Island and Delware were ready to get out of the pallet brooder that I built...
  7. Biddys Barn Our First Coop

    Biddys Barn Our First Coop

    Our First Coop ~Biddy's Barn~ My dear hubby, Gary and I have been talkin about getting us some chicks for nearly a year now. Ever since his uncle decided that in this economy having chickens would assure that they always at least had eggs. We have talked and talked and talked about it...
  8. Erinlees Chicken Coop

    Erinlees Chicken Coop

    Erin's Chicken Barn Well, after moving from the big city of Phoenix, Arizona to a tiny town of Baldwin, Michigan last year I have been wanting to enjoy our new found freedom and start the "farm" that I have always dreamed of. We already had horses we brought with us on our move (as well as 3...
  9. Ilovemypeep Mypeepss Chicken Coop

    Ilovemypeep Mypeepss Chicken Coop

    The Ralston Eggery Well, we got this wild hair to raise backyard chickens and here we are! We're really frugal people and we didn't want to spend much on materials so we gathered things we had (and things others had). However, here is a list of things we bought... lumber $10 metal for roof...
  10. Pbucklers Chicken Coop

    Pbucklers Chicken Coop

    My somewhat urban flock. I am very new to raising chickens. I have been reading through the Backyardchicken Forums for a few months to get a grasp on how to raise a backyard flock. I originally stumbled upon this site while reading up on ways to live a more sustainable and organic lifestyle. The...
  11. Coop Construction 2

    Coop Construction 2

    Coop Construction We thought about getting an old 4H project or converting a rabbit hutch or something into a chicken coop, but, in the end, we knew that we wouldn't be satisfied if we didn't make it ourselves! So, in anticipation of our future chickens, we started designing the coop in...
  12. Happyclamss Chicken Coop

    Happyclamss Chicken Coop

    I have been asking and trying to get chickens for at least five years. For my birthday this year my wife decided she was ready for chickens! We got two Ameraucana (Hemingway and Mr.Greene) and one Plymouth Barred Rock (Imelda). After the ladies were a couple weeks old, I got to work on...
  13. Bainbridgecoops Chicken Coop

    Bainbridgecoops Chicken Coop

    Chicken Coop Design ;) Our design was inspired by a couple of existing coop designs on this website. Aesthetics were important, so we gravitated towards the cute end of the scale as the coop would be in a visible part of our yard. It cost about $500 in materials and took 3 weekends and a...
  14. Our Coop Adventure

    Our Coop Adventure

    Our "Vase" to hold our bouquet! For Daisy, Rose, Cosmos, Marigold, Sweetpea & Tiger Lily! The best bunch of flowers around! Well this is the final project! We still need to add the landscaping and a few more details but over all it is complete! My wonderful...
  15. Simple Easy Coop Design

    Simple Easy Coop Design

    Simple, easy to build chicken coop! This small, simple coop is best for either up to 8 Bantams or 4 Standard. This is a great coop for begginers. These images arent the prettiest... please dont let this put you down... any ways, here is the front of the coop. Here are the left and right...
  16. Beakfarms Chicken Coop

    Beakfarms Chicken Coop

    Recycled Redwood Recoup My goals for this coop were to make it mostly from recycled materials, to give four hens enough space, and to avoid creating an eyesore. A secondary goal was to support the neighbor's willow tree, which sags across the fence and needs frequent pruning. I looked at a...
  17. Prairiepearlss Chicken Coop

    Prairiepearlss Chicken Coop

    The Rubber Chicken Coop ' prairiepearls Rubbermaid Shed Coop 2010 As of 5/2210: Still to come: nesting boxes, wire-enclosed ramp, hardware cloth around base. From the Beginning: The Site: An ordinary suburban Kansas backyard, complete with patchy grass, privacy fence, &...
  18. Bc Chickenss Chicken Coop

    Bc Chickenss Chicken Coop

    BC Chickens Brenda and Carmen Whispering Winds Animal Connection LLC Coventry, CT Ordered our first set of chicks, 6 Buff Orpintons and 6 Golden Comets, from the local Mackey's on March 23, 2011. UPDATE! The Comets have arrived today, April 15, 2011!! They are now safely in their new home...
  19. Greenpeepss Chicken Coop

    Greenpeepss Chicken Coop

    Check out the new coop on my next page My Easter Gift this year (2009) was somethings I always wanted, Chicks! We purchased them form TS and are pretty sure they are sex links. If you know otherwise please let me know. Currently the chicks reside on our enclosed pourch in a huge dog crate...
  20. Skys The Limit Chicken Coop

    Skys The Limit Chicken Coop

    Brewmiss96's Sky's the Limit Coop and Run Build (if you have a better name I'm all ears! I fell in love with the blue color) The idea of having a 'backyard homestead' has been slowly growing in my mind for some years. So, in early spring when I went the store and saw the price of eggs, I kinda...
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