sour crop treatment

  1. HansElvis4ever

    Lost 2 roosters within 2 days...HELP!

    Hi! First time chicken owner here - however; we have been just that for over a year and a half now. Everything has been great thus far. It all started when Drew (my fiancé) finding a Cornish Cross (meat bird) that had fallen off a truck. Long story short, we decided to take him in and care for...
  2. TundraGhost

    Questions about Sour Crop

    Hi, it's me again. This is a follow-up from my last thread about my hen acting off. (Link here.) Do let me know if there's a better way to update people! I don't think I can edit the post anymore Good news and bad news, good is that I tried Miconazole and it really helped. Cleared her up for...
  3. bowerhg

    Sour Crop Treatment. Healthy again in 3 days?

    Hi all! Thanks to the BYC world for the excellent advice on treating sour crop, I was so convinced my girl was not going to make it!!!! It was a wild journey. Probably about 2 weeks ago she started acting off, but not too out of the norm as I have a few ~odd~ chickens that sometimes are feeling...
  4. ShannyCupcakes

    Possible Impacted/Sour Crop?

    So, we have a hen, almost a year old with what we think is either impacted or sour crop. We noticed something was off because she was doing that side to side head wobble thing, big crop in the mornings and stayed by herself a little more, still ate, but maybe a little less it’s hard to tell when...
  5. A

    Oral Tablet Nystatin for Hen with Sour Crop

    Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here and surprisingly it was about sour crop for one of my very sick hens. Well today I noticed one of my girls has sour crop. I know all the ways I can treat it but I was curious- we have a Nystatin medication here that’s 500,000 per tablet unit...
  6. P

    Canesten/clotrimazole cream for sour crop?

    I've done a bit of a search on the forums but want to double check before dosing - I have a girl who has had two rounds of nystatin and now showing sour crop for the third time in three months. We'll get her to a vet soon (no avian vets on certain days here) - but I want to start her on a...
  7. CHSchxLady

    sour crop - sneezing

    I watched a couple videos to help relieve sour crop from my Americana, Jess, she did well. And I fed her water, .... it was fluid but more food than anything. she choked at one point and then got it out. There was a chunk of food. it definitely smelled bad. I gave her water afterwards and she...
  8. C

    Is sour crop chicken allowed to eat anything that isn’t yogurt water?

    Her crop was full felt like a balloon Monday and been massaging her crop giving her water with apple cider vinegar and yogurt. Today her crop felt smaller and has gotten smaller throughout the day she’s been pooping right after I massage her crop. I caught her eating a pear that was on the floor...
  9. jomary2013

    Monistat 7 cream dosage for sour crop?

    my chicken has sour crop and I want to give her Monistat but don’t know the right dosage, the one I bought come in a tube. Do I give her a pea size amount? Also I’ve seen some post say 3x a day or 1x a day?
  10. mb929

    Sour Crop :( is she healing?

    Hi all. I am a first time chicken keeper in my hens are about 7 months old. they have just started laying eggs. One of my hens is definitely dealing with sour crop. I have made sure it’s not an egg bound issue. She is drooling water, watery diarrhea, lethargic and soft squishy crop. We isolated...
  11. Jaxolotl

    Help! Chicken crop turning black!

    Hi folks, this is my first time really talking here, but I’ve seen that a lot of good advice can be found for helping chickens in need. One of my hens was displaying symptoms of sour crop, I massaged her crop a few nights ago, and she regurgitated quite a bit of solids and liquids, and towards...
  12. jomary2013

    Sour crop. How do you know if it’s completely gone?

    Last Monday I noticed my chicken had no energy and Tuesday -Saturday she just sat down barely drank water and didn’t eat her food. Since Friday I’ve been massaging her crop, gave her olive oil and ACV. Her crop has gotten way smaller but is still just a little full in the morning. Since...
  13. C

    Sour crop - how long until it clears up?

    I have a hen with sour crop. She started acting off 4 days ago. 3 days ago I began giving her apple cider vinegar water and massaging her crop. Then 2 days ago she was still very squishy so I helped her purge a lot of her crop contents. She seemed to perk up after that. But the next morning...
  14. PBAndAlice

    Sour Crop?? Watery, gassy, pendulous crop

    Hi BYC. I don't use forums often so I apologize in advance if I'm doing anything wrong. SBC ("scared black chicken" - name courtesy of my cousin) is a black sex link hen, ~6yrs old, weight unknown but she currently feels lighter than she usually is. She has had a pendulous crop since we got her...
  15. Imprezznu

    Impacted crop in 1 week old chick

    Brand new chicken mom here and need some advice please! We got 6 baby chicks from Wilco last Wednesday and they were all active and doing great. We set up a brooder for them in a 27 gallon tote, put paper towels down along with some straw, a brooder plate, food (chick starter w/ chick grit) and...
  16. TheFugitivePen

    Squishy crop, but no smell and is empty in the morning

    New chicken keeper here! I have a 9-month-old Australorp whose crop is squishy at night. I noticed it two evenings ago as I put our hens to bed. However, earlier that day and the next, she was running around with the flock, happily eating, scratching, and free-ranging. Even though she was...
  17. A

    Hen with sour crop!!!

    Help!!! My Rhode Island Red Bantam has sour crop. How can I help her? Will it go away on its own? I noticed that she was being really sad today (not eating, standing/sitting around, etc) and I felt that her crop was really squishy and fluid-like. Earlier she threw up a little bit of yellowish...
  18. H

    Recovering from Sour Crop, further advice needed

    On Saturday night, I posted about my hen Max behaving very lethargically and not eating. Some kind folks on here lead me to believe she had sour crop, which I have been treating her for since Sunday after getting her crop to empty on Saturday night. Max seems a bit better. I have given her some...
  19. M

    Egg withdrawal with sour crop?

    I suspect my chicken Laverne has sour crop. Does anyone know if there is an egg withdrawal period if I treat her with miconazole? I can't seem to find an answer? 🤷 Thanks!
  20. M

    Confused about my chickens crop

    This is my first time raising chickens and I would REALLY appreciate any advice on this. My hen has a very large crop. I looked into sour crop and impacted crop and I don't think her crop is impacted. I'm not sure if she has a sour crop though. It's large and squishy. The last few nights when...
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