stumbling duck

  1. SparkisGmaw

    Worried about Muscovy duck

    For context…my husband witnessed some tiny ducklings run over by a dump truck on his way home from work in late May. He stopped to check on them and found one duckling was alive and wasn’t hit. Mom was nowhere to be found. He brought it home, and my 15-year-old daughter took it in to raise as...
  2. D

    Please help (serious) My duck is stumbling around a lot and she seems really tired, how can I help her??

    She’s been shaking her head with her mouth open for the past couple of days. We were going to bring her to the vet soon, but today, she started stumbling around. She’s really weak right now and we have no idea why. It seemed like simple leg cramps at first, but she seems VERY tired and weak. She...
  3. C

    Runner Duck Stumbling and falls

    Hi Everyone! We are new to the world of poultry. We have 3 female khakis, 2 male runners, and 1 female runner. They are roughly 8 months old. They eat scratch and peck organic soy/corn free layer feed which we feed to both our chickens and ducks. They free range during the day in a large fenced...
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