tips and tricks

  1. ChickaChicka1

    Tips for hatching shipped eggs

    Hi there! I ordered some Barred Rock hatching eggs from Meyer Hatchery last week, and they are supposed to come sometime next week around Tuesday or Wednesday. This will be my first time hatching eggs in an incubator. I have a Kebonnix 12 egg incubator set up at home. Do y'all have any tips for...
  2. Petfriendlyemi

    New Waterer!

    Hey BYC community! I just wanted to show yall my new waterer that my dad and I made! I used to fill up water for the girls daily, but now I only fill it up once a week!
  3. house1917

    Nurture 360 lessons learned

    Just finished Spring hatch, with some ups and downs. Ups 1) Repurposed gardening/greenhouse heat mats under the incubators because the laundry room/hatching room cools overnight. They're waterproof, rugged, and I had no fire hazard worries. 2) Read on this site, about the rotating the eggs from...
  4. Blue Raptor

    Tips and Tricks on How to Roleplay (RP) Well!

    How to roleplay well! 1.) Pick a universe you think you’d enjoy. Try to avoid joining a universe you’ve don’t think you’d like, or else you’ll probably end up just not roleplaying very well, or ducking out and leaving a plot hole where your character has interacted. If the RP is fanfic...
  5. I

    New to show chickens (FFA)- Meat

    Howdy! This is my first year showing chickens. I am very excited and nervous! I wanted to join this forum to get ideas, tricks, and tips to help raises my chickens. Does anyone have any raising suggestions? Thank you!!!!
  6. C

    Hello from southern Canada

    Hello all chicken enthusiasts :celebrate I am new to raising chickens (chicks, hens, roosters and quails) and am excited to explore this website! If you have a moment to spare , please reply with one important tip or lesson that you have learned to pass onto a newbie like myself! I appreciate it!!
  7. HayleyCrum

    More help!

    Should i be using gloves to handle my ducks or just making sure to wash my hands thoroughly? Do I need to wash containers in dawn before letting them swim in them? I need tips and tricks to make sure they stay healthy and happy!
  8. Jessica Lyn

    Help! Incubation tips

    Thought I did enough research before but I guess not considering this last hatch rate. Throw me all your incubation tips for coturnix quail. For both still air and circulated, and hand turning tips. What humidity do you prefer? Do you dry hatch? What day do you go into lockdown? 14 or 15? What...
  9. DClopein

    Tips For Introducing Younger Chicks To An Established Flock??

    Hello. 👋 I recently got 2 Polish Chickens. 😃 They are around 10 or 12 weeks old & right now I have them in their own separate pen right up against the big coop so they can all get usto seeing each other. I was curious as to what you do to safely introduce younger chickens to an already...
  10. PippinTheChicken

    Tips on sexing silkies!

    Sexing silkies- we all know how tricky that is! We know that you can't get it 100% correct until you find an egg or hear a crow! But I want to know, how can you get it as accurate as possible? I'd like to gather info to help myself and others. I might (not sure yet) get a new silkie (around...
  11. R

    Black Sexlink for Show

    Hello, im in Florida and raising a 2 year old Black Sexlink for a fair. What tips do you have to add a little weight to her and make her look her best? All tips are greatly appreciated.
  12. S

    Circus Duck Adventure

    During quarantine I decided it would be nice to have a friend, so I have decided to incubate a duck egg and document my experience. This is a new thing for me. I’ve never known a duck or really even seen one up close for that matter, but now I’ve got a white pekin and to be perfectly honest, I...
  13. R


    Hi everyone, Just want to introduce myself a bit. Name is Josh I live in Rhode Island and for Mother's Day my family is deciding to surprise my mother with chicks and to start a small family homestead. We have 3 RI Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Buff Orpington, and 2 Easter Eggers. We are picking the...
  14. Pecking Order Basics & Specifics

    Pecking Order Basics & Specifics

    [Photo credit:] We as chicken keepers should want to know everything we can about the creatures we care for. When it comes to chickens and other kinds of poultry, one of the most essential characteristics of all flock behavior is the pecking order. And it is very...
  15. E

    Tips for beginner Cockatiel owners.

    Hi, I'm going to be getting 2 Cockatiels. I have done A LOT of research, but I still need some tips! Also, what way is possible to tell the gender of your Cockatiels. Please tell me your Cockatiel Life hacks, care tips, and more stuff!!
  16. ChickenCrazy93

    We Got Emus! First Time Emu Owner

    Bought three beautiful Emus yesterday, we believe to have 2 females and a male. We will need to get them DNAed to be sure. They are 2 years old and we will hopefully see some eggs within the next year or so. Any tips, suggestions, or knowledge we should know about Emus? We want to make sure...
  17. Allisonlovesnancy

    New baby quail!!

    Hello BYC family! I went to 4H yesterday and my leaders assistant surprised me with three baby quail! I have wanted quail for a while now and asked her to hatch me some (she offered first) but I had never heard back from her so I had no clue I was getting them! What should I know about quail...
  18. KikiLeigh02

    Lockdown Humidity Question

    I've been trying dry incubation, the eggs are on Day 16 right now. The humidity has been between 30-35% during incubation. What's the best way to get the humidity where it needs to be for lockdown without going to high? I'm still new to incubating so if you have any other lockdown tips you...
  19. H

    Rooster Gets Upset When Alone

  20. H

    Introducing Hen To Baby Chicks

    Hi, all. Today is a very sad day. One of my favorite hens unfortunately passed away on the way to the vets office today. She ate something toxic. She was happy and loved during and after her life. But now I have a new issue. I only had two hens, Joya (the hen who died) and Paisley. Paisley was...
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