toe injury

  1. CoastChick

    Lost toenail ? Injury question.

    I noticed My 4 month old EE “flamingoing” last week and inspected her feet. Looks like she lost a toenail and just the quick keeps getting bumped and then will bleed. I’ve been cleaning it up and using quikstop gel and vetericyn - I opted not to bandage it originally because I thought it would...
  2. S

    Stiff toe?

    I feel as if this roosters causing me more medical scares then anything. See this rooster he's a big guy. I honestly couldn't tell you what type he is. But he's big maybe like 8 or 9 pounds of just bulk. He's always limped I've noticed since keeping him out. Even as a chick he's never been...
  3. AlexDenmark

    Injured silkie

    Hi! Yesterday when I called all the girls in I found my silkie hen in a corner of the outdoor run just crouching there. I picked her up and realized she was bloody down her front. I cleaned her up in the sink and she is missing feathers on her chest and one of her toes is gone. No idea what...
  4. lavendermarie

    Chick’s Toe is Bleeding!

    I saw one of my Polish chicks pecking at my lavender orpington’s toe. Upon further inspection I realized it was red and bleeding! The bleeding has stopped, it wasn’t a lot of blood, but the toe is bright red and I was wondering if at this age if that’s a big issue? If so, is there anything I can...
  5. QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs

    Weird bump on my quail's toe

    A beginner quail-keeper here... I have just noticed a weird bump on my female button quail's toe. She is walking fine, but I know that they're prey animals, therefore good at hiding weaknesses. It is a bit swollen and she keeps her toe slightly titled compared to the other toes. I have no idea...
  6. slukeplass22

    Yellow Toenail with Brown Tip, Scabs underneath toe

    Hi, I was bathing one of my hens 5 days ago when I discovered her toenail was yellow, with a brown tip on the end. It is shorter than her other nails (perhaps she broke it? But there was no bleeding), and she also has scabs underneath. The scabs look like an early case of bumblefoot, and I'm...
  7. AzDuck

    Bumblefoot w/o scab, or something else?!

    Hi BYC Family! I went out this morning to let my ducks out for the day, and my khaki campbell girl was walking just (or so it seemed). Then, about ten minutes later after I came back from feeding our horses, she was severely limping, but still attempting to run with the rest of the flock. Her...
  8. M

    Injured Toe

    I was cleaning the coop out yesterday and during that I noticed one of my Red's limping. I picked her up and looked at the foot to see if the got a thorn from the recently cut rose bush in it. Nothing. I was feeling both feet to make sure she did not have anything that felt out of the ordinary...
  9. F

    Broken toe?

    Hello all, could use some help treating my duckie. Noticed that she was limping a few days ago and her left foot was swollen. Both feet had scabs on the underside so I started Epsom salt soaks with iodine, cleaning with vetricyn, and wrapping it up with ichtammol thinking she had bumble foot...
  10. ChickenLadyInTheCoop

    Foot trap accident

    My little girl Houdini’d her way out of the coop some how and got caught in the foot trap that we had set out for whatever has been eating her family. There was significant swelling and an abrasion on the lateral side of her left foot. Her right foot had a small abrasion on her 2nd toe. I used a...
  11. Chicken_jenn

    chicken dislocated toe?

    Widdle is a 15 week old chicken we rescued at 1 week, not sure breed, yesterday I noticed her limping. I’ve always been checking her feet because she likes to lie down in the grass in general, so I’m certain this is new behavior. In looking at her toes one seems twisted , and the joint swollen...
  12. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Re-Post: Early Stage Bumblefoot? Need Help.

    Re-posting this with fingers crossed I might get some good leads:
  13. L

    Swollen Toe Joint in Chicken

    Barred Rock Hen is ~2 years old. Otherwise a very healthy chicken. Swelling is firm, she is able to walk but favors her good foot. Pad looks clean and does not appear to be bumblefoot. Any thoughts on what this could be?
  14. MomsterT

    Crooked toes?

    Hello! So we got 2 Ayam Cemani straight run chicks. They are booth doing fine, but one of the little fellas has a crooked toe on each foot. He/she (not sure yet) is approx 3weeks old. We tried splinting with toothpicks and bandage with cardboard boot but it wiggled out of it on the firs night...
  15. Blazel

    New Chicken enlarged chest mass, skin growth, deep puncture wound, twisted toes

    Hello, We just picked up a new chicken tonight, we got her as she was being bullied by her flock, the other chickens wouldn't let her roost or eat and were pinning her down to pull her feathers out. She's just over a year old, hy-line chicken. When we saw her we immediately agreed to take her...
  16. emmagat

    Weird toenail?

    Hi everyone! One of my easter egger hens, plus a couple of my others, have a weird toe that points upwards or in a weird direction. It’s always the back toe, and never any of the front 3 toes. Here’s some pictures so y’all can see what is going on with her little feet. Thank you all in advance!
  17. C

    Baby chick with black toe

    Hi everyone, Yesterday we brought home 2, day old chicks and one of them has a black outer toe and it seems to go slightly up her leg. She doesn’t seem to be in pain and is walking on it ok. Can anyone help is to identify what the problem is and the best solution Thanks!
  18. Henrybelle

    1 month old chick bruising around middle toe

    I have a month old buff Orpington who along with her roomies gets daily field trips outside for a few hours still to cold to leave out all night (I don’t want to wire the coop for lighting). But today after awhile I noticed she was limping and favoring her left foot. A closer look showed some...
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