vitamin deficiency

  1. M

    Marek's Disease or...?

    We have a hen that had chicks recently we started noticing that she would stay in the shed more and not walk around in the yard as much. She started limping and we initially thought she had sprained or broken a bone. Yet the next day she developed blisters around her toes. They were filled with...
  2. That crazy duck lady

    Duck Wobbling Around

    Hi all We have a 7 month old duck that we found this morning in the coop, she couldn’t walk without toppling over and when she stood, she stoop straight up and sometimes fell backward onto her back. Her neck was completely tucked in. Obviously we were panicked. We separated her immediately...
  3. danceonweeds

    Duck with both leg lameness, Almost like Superman/Flying pose

    I have a 10 month old female duck who suddenly went lame on both legs. We found her a few days ago when she didnt get into the coop at night. She had both legs straight behind her. When I picked her up, she was able to stand for a moment, then when she tried to move both legs went behind her...
  4. C

    HELP! Sick 3 month old Buff Orpington. Is this vitamin deficiency, Marek's or Wry Neck???

    Yesterday morning, Blondie, my 3 month old Buff Orpington, wouldn't come out of the coop. She was acting lethargic so I immediately brought her inside and gave her some electrolytes in water. She then started getting really droopy, very tired and wouldn't eat or drink. I posted a video to a FB...
  5. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Hello :) I have a 13 week old FBCM cockerel with unknown medical issues. I took him to the vet and got no answers. I have an appointment at another vet July 6th... oof! How do I wait that long?! I learn the most and get all my best help on this here I go hoping for more. I...
  6. L

    Help Please...

    Hello, I have a chicken I have been treating for vent gleet and she is doing much better with the exception of her legs. We adopted her from a local chicken farmer and when she came to us we noticed that she was always sitting low to the ground. I believe this is how she eventually ended up with...
  7. E

    Vitamin deficiency or something more serious? Pullet can’t stand up!

    I have a 21 week opal Legbar that I’ve noticed over the past several days was not moving around like usual, more lethargic. I noticed yesterday that she was unbalanced and not standing/walking normally so I separated her and started giving vitamins. This morning she’s even worse and can’t stand...
  8. Kayleighsarah55

    Unsteady Hen

    Hello Everyone, I've been trolling through the forums trying to find the best course of action to take with one of my 2 year old Pekin bantams Celine. Celine has been unsteady on her feet, particularly her right foot which she seems to hold off the ground at times. Occasionally she will have a...
  9. MrsBrown

    Off Balance Pullet

    I have a new pair of 12 week old legbars. One was slightly quiet and slept more when first brought home but I have now noticed that she's having trouble walking, she's very off balance and wobbly. She prefers to sit down on her hocks. I've checked both feet and legs and can't see any obvious...
  10. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Medicine Emergency?

    I have a chicken that might have Osteoporosis. They said to give them “Over-correct ration vitamin D”. So, why question is. What kind of Vitamin D do I give a chicken?
  11. Watermeat

    Wry Neck Trouble

    So, one of my Easter Eggers has wry neck. I've been treating her for two weeks. The first week went by very smoothly and she showed a lot of improvement- She stopped loosing her balance and started turning her head straight if she put in the effort to. It's week two, and she stopped accepting...
  12. Watermeat

    Wry Neck Treatment

    So, one of my two month old chickens has a chase of wry neck. Today, I finally got to start her treatment. I read on a forum somewhere on this website that both chicken and human supplements helped, so today I picked up a bottle of Vitamin E supplements and some foods with selenium to help my...
  13. JS1977

    Bullied or Vitamin Deficiency?

    This is my bantam frizzle roo. Couple problems here that I’m not sure about. #1) As you can see in the photos, he has considerable loss of feathers. The ones on his neck are just the shaft of the feather that’s left- they feel like wire. The ones on his sides and wings are just plain missing...
  14. Kathys Coop

    Five week old chick having leg problems?

    One of my 27 -five week old chicks is having problems walking and keeping balance when she stands. All the rest of the chicks are fine She was totally fine the day before and now all of a sudden. I separated her from the rest because she was getting walked on by the others because she...
  15. C

    Possible Mareks in chick.

    I have this 2 month old pullet, Easter Egger. She was fine at two weeks old but ever since week three she’s been sitting/leaning a lot. She’ll stand and walk to the feeder or waterer, but will then sit to eat or drink. Her appetite and thirst are still the same, and she is gaining weight...
  16. J

    Emergency; Duck Can't Walk

    I am looking for help with my Khaki Campbell duck. She is one of two females who are going to be 5 years old at the end of this April. Dilly, along with the other duck, had shown no signs of distress or sickness up until this point. Last Sunday evening, now nearly a week ago, I found her...
  17. S


    For the last two weeks I have had a sick flock. The first bird I noticed looking sick appeared to be lethargic. Quarantined indoors, the next day she started to act paralyzed and display splayed leg. Second bird got sick, quarantined separately indoors- she had same symptoms but also wry neck...
  18. pugspigchicks

    Please help. Vet has no idea

    12 week old polish started with sudden onset of ataxia with neck twisting and jerking 6 days ago. Progressed to sitting to straight spastic legs. Wings work fine as she tries to fly. Legs are hypertonic. If I prop her chest to force her legs in the correct position she tries to run and move them...
  19. RockyMtnPeeps

    Nutri-Drench compared to Poly-Vi-Sol

    As of this posting, we have two 3 month old Turkins that are having leg strength issues that I think is being caused by a vitamin deficiency after treating Coccidiosis with Corid since it basically works by blocking vitamin absorption from the protozoa (and chicken). In my research to come up...
  20. Vivid Hatchery

    Horrible hatch rate, deaths throughout the stages. Please help diagnose.

    Okay, so I am having a terrible time hatching chicks. I know that most of us here keep our chicks backyard or on a small farm, and I am no different. I provide a balanced layer feed ration. Most of my flocks are around 1:5 gender ratio. My birds have a lot of places they can run and escape...
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