
  1. Loving my girls

    Treadle Feeder Dust

    Hi Everyone and thanks for reading this, I have recently purchased a treadle feeder - I am pleased as punch with it … however I seem to be getting dust in the Feed Trough which I am having trouble scooping out. Does anyone else have this problem ? Does anyone know how to resolve it ? I’m sure I...
  2. T

    Duckling with crusty anus

    Hi, I have 1 week old ducklings from metzer farms. 2 white layers, 2 magpies, 1 runner. I am feeding them purina flock raiser. They are in a kiddie pool bedded with woodchips. And they have a chicken waterer for food. I noticed today that my layers have crusty anus' (see attached photos) and...
  3. F

    Stinky, Stinky birds. Smelly Sand!

    I decided to raise quail this year. I have 30 healthy jumbos I hatched from eggs out in a hutch. They are nearly four weeks old now and fully feathered. Anyway I'm a little worried. Half of the hutch is on wire and the inside part I have a pull out tray (little over two inches deep) that I...
  4. Managing Manure: What to do with all the poo

    Managing Manure: What to do with all the poo

    When I started on my chicken-keeping journey, I read every book, researched online, and talked with experienced chicken owners. I thought I was well-prepared for anything that would come my way. However, there is nothing that can prepare a new chicken owner for the unworldly amount of poop a...
  5. AFSarge

    Wasted feed....

    Hello all, we have 8 chickens and I'm looking for new ideas to cut down on feed that gets pushed onto the ground. I have a 4" PVC pipe feeder that can hold a whole bag of feed, but the problem is the chicks just peck it all out onto the ground. Here is a picture of our set up. The only thing I...
  6. C

    Feed that reduces feces

    Hi I am looking to reduce the amount of waste my chickens produce (poop). I have tried to do some research online, and have found very little research or evidence via ag or extension programs, etc. Has anyone found certain feeds/diet changes the amount of waste/smell your chickens produce? I...
  7. pixie74943

    Quail and Chickens - disease control

    Hello! I'm going to ask about Chickens and Quail living NEAR each other. I know they shouldn't live together for all the behavioural / food / disease reasons, but I want to know... - How close is too close? I have a small yard and while they birds would be separated, I'm not sure if they'll be...
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