
  1. spoonywife

    My girls won't drink water from waterer since it froze! Any advice?

    Hi fellow chicken lovers! I live in a place with typically mild winters and recently we've had temps below freezing. I don't have electricity at my coop/run so their water has been freezing overnight. I've been bringing out hot water every morning for my two girls and it stays liquid until...
  2. Quail are slobs: a case study of various watering and bedding options for solid floored pens

    Quail are slobs: a case study of various watering and bedding options for solid floored pens

    Coturnix Quail (like most domestic poultry) are slobs, between dust bathing, waterers, scratching, and feces they make a big mess which is one of the biggest issues in poultry keeping: how to keep pens dry and clean without going nuts. How to minimize smell and adverse health effects of...
  3. M

    Need a Watering Solution for Inside brooder

    I've got eight, 6.5 to 8 weeks old, rambunctious birds (big BCMs, E.E.s & little, spazzy Prairie Bluebell Eggers) who are waiting for my husband to get their coop and run made. We've got the wood, just waiting for it to finish drying so we can get started. My problem is that these chicks are...
  4. DIY Waterer

    DIY Waterer

    Tupperware container with 3 horizontal nipples purchased in bulk on Amazon. We put a couple of drips of RV water freshener in so scum doesn't start in it.
  5. FarmerChickieMammy


    Can the BYC attach links for your favorite waterer for your chickens please! I have what seems like a standard one and it gets dirty so fast. Looking to upgrade it when our baby chicks move in with our two older ladies.
  6. C

    Chick Feeders for Adult Chickens

    Hello! I have a chick feeder, and was wondering if i could use it for my grown chickens? They’re small since they’re Seramas, but are there any issues?
  7. ChicksofHeaven

    Heated waterer/ can you teach old chickens new tricks?

    Hi all! I have taken on my sister in law’s hens as she went south for the winter. I’m in south east South Dakota where temps hover around freezing through daytime hours, below freezing over night and it will dip even colder, single digits and -0 before winter is over. For that reason, I...
  8. Petfriendlyemi

    New Waterer!

    Hey BYC community! I just wanted to show yall my new waterer that my dad and I made! I used to fill up water for the girls daily, but now I only fill it up once a week!
  9. bbycarrot

    Fowlpox or something else? New waterer?

    Hi, all! Today I noticed my barred rock had a weird wart looking thing on her wattle. My husband and I set her down to get a phone to take a picture and within a few minutes the dark scab had already fallen or been pecked off. I attached a photo of what it looks like. We put some iodine on it...
  10. Miraco Lilfount 5-Gallon

    Miraco Lilfount 5-Gallon

    Insulated waterer option heating unit can be purchased for the winter.
  11. 1

    Wondering If Old Metal Waterer Worth Using

    One of the waterers for my chickens broke and the backup isn't doing as well as it normally does. My dad has me trying to clean out an old rusty metal waterer. In the middle of trying, I wondered if it was even worth it considering how much stuff built up, probably from iron in the well water. I...
  12. chaoticgoodcoop

    New Member

    Hi, I'm Rachel and I am a brand new chicken owner! I have had my 6 girls for 2 weeks and because I got them from a breeder the age range is 2-5 weeks. I have four silkies, an Olive Egger and a Black Copper Marans. I live in a suburban area right outside Detroit in Michigan but my city allows up...
  13. krimsonkitty

    Waterer idea

    Don’t you just hate/love these waterers? They keep the water clean and last more than a day or so BUT the filling is such a PAIN I was tired of having to jam the top into the ground or trying to hold it between my feet to lock/unlock the bottom so I made this little board arrangement- put an...
  14. Shimmerpuppy

    Need a better waterer

    Hi all, We are about a month away from adding to our flock, and I'm trying to prepare. I've raised baby chicks before, and I used the plastic water that screws on to the red base and gravity feeds to water the chicks. I hate that thing. Mine doesn't tighten down all the way (it jumps the track)...
  15. Poultry Ball Waterer - Green & White

    Poultry Ball Waterer - Green & White

    Owned it for a month now. Works reasonably well at retaining water, I haven't noticed any damage. It's easy to clean but changing water every few days, I've noticed there's no algae growing inside the ball tank. The handle is reasonably stiff for it's size to hang securely but I haven't a need...
  16. Zud

    Freeze free nipple training

    So we've been using water cups on a 5 gallon bucket to water our flock since we got them in May, but after running a kettle out to melt the water several times a day during the cold snap, I decided to switch to the freeze free nipples and throw a de-icer in the bucket. The problem is that the...
  17. D


    My son poked a small hole in the side of our 5 gallon plastic water container. What adhesive is safe to use to repair said hole?
  18. Nyhillbillies

    Green water in waterer!

    Hi all! Using tested well water (no e coli, no choliform) in 3 gallon chicken waterer. Sitting in the sun, the water turns a little green and the sides of the base turn slimy over the course of a few days. I am cleaning it constantly. Our well water is hard, naturally. Is the water no good? Or...
  19. CityslickerHomestead

    Solar Powered Generators for Powering De-icer?

    Have any of you used a solar-powered generator to power things in your coop, such as a de-icer, lights, or ventilation fan? I’m not talking about solar-powered devices that only work when the sun is out, but a solar-powered generator that I could plug my devices into. My goal is to be...
  20. C

    Waterer for button quail

    Hi guys, I was trying out different waterer for my button quail. Because they either soils my bedding or get pooped on so much the mixture is just disgusting. So I thought I bought the nipple waterer from rent a coop might be a good idea. I’ve tried the horizontal nipple but they seem to have...
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