
  1. S

    My Easter Egger is laying eggs with no shell, gave calcium carbonate, now wheezing

    I finally figured out my Easter Egger (7 months old) is laying eggs with no shell. I have 4 birds of different breeds and they have been laying about a month. I reliably get 2-3 eggs a day, and each of the three lays a distinct color, though the shade does vary a bit. Dark brown, very light...
  2. S

    2 week old duckling breathing heavy? Sneezing? Sounds wheezy.

    Hello again, this won’t be the last you see/read from me- I am a major worry wart, and I am also doing everything wrong, I’m going to just keep it real with you guys, and tell you the truth so I may receive the most thorough and honest advice possible to save my little single duckling. Don’t be...
  3. N

    Anyone know why this girl might be making this noise?

    I came out to check on my flock this morning and found this girl doing what think might be wheezing? I have quarantined her on our back patio in a dog kennel with some water - I'll get her food in a bit, but other than the sound, she's otherwise behaving normally. This is the first I've noticed...
  4. S

    Gulping for air and wheezing

    Hi All, . This girl just started this in the past two hour or so. She's obviously in discomfort open mouth gulping for air and wheezing. I have spoken to our vet and will take her in this arvo but he really doesn't have much idea whats going on and other than administering some ABs or PTSing...
  5. H

    9wk cream legbar wheezing and gasping

    Wheezing Hi-new her and inserted a link above to a video of my wheezing/gasping chick. She’s 9 weeks old. Indoors for now until the weather is warmer. 2 days ago had a loud wheezing and appeared to be gasping. She is not as active as normal. She tries to eat but I think it’s bothering her. She...
  6. S


    I just brought my silkies out to the chicken yard for the first time since I got them. They are all six months old. Some of them started fighting so I tried to separate them and when I picked up one of my hens. I realized she was wheezing. I haven’t heard any of the other birds wheezing but I...
  7. S

    HELP Easter Egger wheezing

    I came out to the coop and my Easter Egger was wheezing. Her crop does not appear to be impacted but it feels firm. Video below
  8. M

    Suspicious chicken sounds??

    Hi, everyone. I'm new to chickens and have a flock of six hens--three barred rocks and three easter eggers, all approximately six months old. I've been meaning to introduce myself, and still probably will officially in the not too distant future, but one of my EE girls, Frida, has started...
  9. Genesis Farms

    Cockerel wheezing for a few weeks

    About two and a half weeks ago I noticed one of our gold deathlayer cockerels wheezing while breathing. He seemed fine otherwise so I cleaned their coop extra well to get rid of any accumulated dust. Figured it must have been either because of that or perhaps a case of stridor. We gave him a...
  10. qwigoqwaga

    Chicken wheezing and sneezing but otherwise fine

    One of our chickens has been sneezing for a while now it seems and a couple weeks ago I noticed she was wheezing when she breathes; it’s sounds raspy like when you have a chest cold. I took a video today and she sounds worse than usual: However, she's otherwise acting totally normal, she's not...
  11. V

    Post worming respiratory issue?

    I dewormed my flock of 21, 2 year old red sex link chickens, 3 weeks ago. 9 days ago 2 started showing respiratory symptoms: wheezing, coughing & sneezing. I immediately separated (quarantined) them in my makeshift hospital, away from the coop & cleaned & disinfected the coop. The other 19 never...
  12. S


    Very long story. BIT OF BACKGROUND STORY- Back in the summer last year I purchased two new hens to go with my flock from the breeder I got my original three from. All seemed fine, after a week one of the two new ones became seriously unwell. Runny nose. Lethargic and a weird mucus coming out...
  13. T

    Wheezing and Sneezing

    Need advice! My chicken has been through the ringer this past month! First a comb injury, then bullying, then sour crop. She finally got all better and was put back with the others where she seems happy and no longer being bullied, about a week ago. Now today, out of nowhere she was sneezing...
  14. P

    Halp! Silkie crop impaction

    This morning I noticed our silkie Blanche was wheezing. I inspected her physically and confirmed her crop was much larger than normal. I isolated her to keep her from eating and have given her access to water with some oregano oil in it. There is no discharge from eyes or nose nor any sneezing...
  15. M

    Please HELP- Wheezing Chicken

    My hen started wheezing late this morning, I went to TSupply and got VetRX and Rooster Booster. She ate this afternoon but her wheezing is getting worse. She is slightly open mouth breathing now. I have her separated from the flock in my garage with a brooder heater. I’ve rubbed VetRX on her...
  16. E

    Please help — Circulation / Respiratory?

    I have an indoor/outdoor cockerel about 20-22 weeks old (guesstimate). He’s lively and very active. Last night, the back of his comb and the very tips of the top of the last few little spikes looked slightly purple and almost… deadening. I gave him water in case he was dehydrated and since I...
  17. R

    duck wheezing and sneezing

    hi, first time owning ducks, i searched for similar questions but still not sure so i prefer to make a thread i have 5 ducks, 4 weeks old. they sneeze a little and one of them is wheezing, not all the time but if i'm near them long enough i will hear it, i think only one of them is wheezing...
  18. L

    One hen dead and another very sick. Definitely gape worm

    Please help. I lost one hen to gape worm. I didn’t know what was until I found a video of it. I now have another with it. I treated her for 5 days with safe guard pellets 5% but then found out that is not the right strength when she improved but two days after the the last treatment she got much...
  19. Shelbihahn

    Wheezing silkie too with green poop

    Hi there! I have a 1 year old silkie rooster who about 5 days ago went to crow and not a sound came out. I thought it was odd and started hearing him wheeze immediately after. After doing some research I thought it could be gape worm because he didn’t have any other symptoms and everyone else...
  20. The_Chicken_Tender

    Respiratory and reproductive problems

    In February I posted something about my chicken who was having a lot of issues. At first she was wheezing and panting, and then she laid a weird rubber egg after not laying for a long long time. She seemed to get better, so I thought she recovered, but now the exact, and I mean EXACT same thing...
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