
  1. S

    Ancona duck wheezing?

    Hello there friends, We have two Ancona ducks a little over two months old. Both seem very happy and healthy, minus the fact that one seems to wheeze rather than quack. And she seems to be wheezing more often now. Doesn't appear to have any blockages, no runny eyes or nose, and not overweight...
  2. fudgethechicken

    Chicken Struggling to Breathe?

    One of my young hens is making a funky noise every time she breathes and is pale, lethargic, and has a loss of appetite (sorta she did eat a few bites of feed and a piece of soggy bread to eliminate the chance of something being stuck in her throat). We brought her in the house (im in phoenix...
  3. T

    15 wk legbar wheezing hasn’t eaten or drank

    My daughter pointed out one of our leg bars “Rona“ was making a wheezing sound this morning and not leaving the coop. I went out to look and she indeed was wheezing slightly and acting sluggish. I removed her from the other chickens and gave her freshwater and feed in a separate cage. I’m going...
  4. D

    Hen has blue comb and respiratory probs!

    I have a 1.5 year old leghorn that has been acting odd and I can’t figure out what to do next. On 6/23, I saw her extending her neck and gasping twice and then her behavior returned to normal, so I just assumed she had something stuck in her throat and she cleared it. On 6/24, she began...
  5. Shirkygirl

    Chicken is gasping for air and sneezing

    We noticed yesterday that our blue laced Wyandotte was gasping for air. When she is gasping there is no sound. she opens her mouth takes a breath and then shuts her mouth. Sometimes she closes her eyes. She isn’t as active as normal. She isn’t making any clucking sounds. She is about 2 years...
  6. S

    Chicken wheezing

    One of our cockerels is wheezing, and his crop is hard. We're thinking he's probably swallowed something that's obstructing his airway. He occasionally looks like he's going to throw something up. He seems to have a reduced appetite as well, and he keeps scratching his face with his foot as if...
  7. T

    Sick hen, panting and wheezing

    Hi all! Hoping someone can help me... Last night I noticed one of my 2-year-old hens was hanging out in the corner of the coop, panting. Normally they sleep on their perches, and usually when I see one on the floor it means they're sick. I've seen birds panting a bit the last few days since it...
  8. CeceliaD

    Almost a month old duckling feeding question

    I have two ducklings that are about 3 1/2 weeks old. I’ve been feeding them starter feed and also kale and other veggies and fruits. I’ve read that you’re supposed to decrease the protein in their food. How should I do this? What could happen if they have starter feed for too long? On another...
  9. C

    Chicken is wheezing, favoring one leg...

    Hi all, My Easter egger Mothra suddenly started wheezing. She is also stumbling and favoring one leg. The other chickens are avoiding her and even fighting her. I'm worried this is not looking too good for my little Mothra. Any insight/ ideas? I did read that wheezing could be caused by...
  10. PioneerChicks

    Non-Emergent: Cockeral Wheezes after Crowing

    I feel sort of guilty posting this when others have much more urgent problems, but I'll do it anyway. My eight month old silkie rooster, Peter, wheezes after he crows. I'm not sure, but I think this is new. I noticed it yesterday morning, because he crowed several times. He crows, then sharply...
  11. Awooten

    Respiratory Treatment for 8.5 lb. Rooster

    I have a 5 year old, 8.5 lb. Ameraucana rooster named Truman who came down with a respiratory infection yesterday. He is wheezing and has labored breathing. Eyes appear clear and I see no discharges. His appetite seems good and energy level is about the same. He's my favorite chicken...
  12. ShanaMcS

    Wheezing when breathing after 'possum attack

    Hello, last night an opossum got into our coop and tore out many chicken's feathers, but other than that they all seemed fine except for Millie. She was wheezing. Apart from feathers being plucked out, I don't see any blood on her. I tried massaging her throat and gave her water with olive oil...
  13. Chicks 'n ducks

    Help! My chickens are dropping dead with no warning!

    Hello, I have been struggling with some nasty disease in my flock of silkies. It started in fall of last year when I had one of my first chickens, a silkie pullet, get sick. she wasn't acting herself, not much of an appetite, hunched. Then, the next day or so, she was struggling to...
  14. BigMoma3

    First-time Broody is Sick

    I have a first time broody rhode island red hen that started sitting on the nest 2 days ago. She was pre-broody for 2 months before she decided to stay on the eggs. The problem is she is wheezing terribly and has been for a couple weeks. I've lost 4 hens since May and had all 4 necropsied. The...
  15. BigMoma3

    Round 2...unknown illness

    :caf This is me. Hours upon hours of research and even more clueless than before. I had a very sweet hen pass away last week after taking care of her inside for four days. I know she had sour crop but not sure if that's why she passed or what may have caused it. Now... I have another sick...
  16. T

    Chronic breathing issue sexlink hen 1.6 years old

    Hello all! This is my first post. I have a sexlink hen who has a chronic wheezing issue. It comes and goes. If she is agitated or she moves too quickly(runs, gets mounted) her comb and wattles turn purple and she starts wheezing with her beak open. I used to give her 1/2 ml of la 300 noro...
  17. C

    Rescue duckling

    we just rescued a dumped duckling, roughly 4-5 weeks old. She had a fishing hook stuck in her, which the vet got it. She is on Clavamox as a precaution, but has started panting, even with a fan on her and sounds wheezy. Any ideas on what could be causing it? She is still eating and drinking...
  18. Floofinbird

    Chicken wheezing, water in crop

    Woke up this morning to go to work and Nugget was breathing hard enough that I could hear it through the open second story window. She's about a year old, Easter egger, and she feels like her regular weight. Still has the energy to try and evade capture, but not enough to actually book it. Eyes...
  19. sass.joel

    Respiratory issue with a chicken.

    hey all. I have an old barred rock hen who we really love. Her name is Chick-choo. She's done laying, probably five years old, but she's really sweet. It's spring here, and we've let our chickens out in the yard, and we noticed Chick-choo listless and gasping for air. Her comb appeared to be...
  20. N

    Gurgling /wheezing when breathing, squishy mass in crop.

    Hello all, I have an approximately 5 year old Brahma hen displaying respiratory symptoms but also with crop issues. I noticed she has been a bit lazy the past few days but couldn't find any other issues so wrote it off. Yesterday, however, I noticed her breathing was laboured and with every...
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