wound help

  1. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I’m new to chicken keeping and found my hen with this terrible wound on her side. She is very bald due to feather picking/ over grooming. I believe the rooster mounted her and sliced her with his spur when he couldn’t hold on due to lack of feathers. I am going to flush with peroxide and apply...
  2. EggAndTofu

    Turkey lethargic due to peck wound?

    The wound is located on the back of her head, she has another smaller injury near the side of her face. I believe the cause was my older turkey hen. The wound itself is small, but it does seem pretty deep. I cant tell if it's bad or not since I don't have experience with these injuries. The...
  3. S

    young frizzle balding and wounded

    My 8 month old frizzle has a huge bald patch from her back to her tail. she also has a couple of smallish bleeding wounds. what should i do?
  4. S

    Removing Dead Tissue--Help!

    Hey chicken tenders, one of my favorite chickens has a necrotic wound under her wing that they vet wanted $1k to surgically debride. I can't afford that, so I left with antibiotics and anti inflammatories, and I'm going to try to clean it up myself. Has anyone ever dealt with dead tissue before...
  5. R

    Hen has wound on head

    I have a hen that was attacked by a predator some time last night. She is 1-2 years old and lives in a large chicken tractor and attached run with 13 other hens and 2 roosters. They have pine bedding. She does not seem lighter than the others. She is awake and alert but somewhat subdued after...
  6. A

    Day old chick is leaking beige fluid from back wound?

    So basically yesterday morning I woke up to find a random chick in with my girls, one of these sneak clutch moments, and clearly the poor thing had been stamped and/or pecked, because they have a few cuts and wounds. Fresh fresh baby. I managed to stem the bleeding from the ones they have around...
  7. A

    I’m new here looking for advice

    I didn’t check on my hens today as it was raining all day so I checked in the afternoon and my hen had blood like right by her ear so I got her and cleaned it. I also kept her separate but it’s a little whole in her ear what can I do to help her recover any recommendations???!!!🙏🙏 she seams...
  8. sophiasflock

    About my Hen and her tongue

    Hey guys! I know it’s been awhile I have t had access to wifi to let you guys know what was going on. My hen dodo, as most of you know had her tongue sticking out from the skin under her beak. I don’t have any vets around, but after using honey and giving her some apple cider vinegar water and...
  9. analyticalblonde

    Horrible Neck Injury...Caused by (maybe) 23 week old Rooster

    My Lavender Orphinton, Sue - the sweetest girl I have that follows me around like a puppy - was severely injured today...about 2 hours ago. I have 13 chickens: 12 are hens; 1 Rooster. He is about 23 weeks old and in the past month, he's started showing his rooster behaviors. I am not absolutely...
  10. Z

    Injured chick

    OK new chicken owner here and I could use some help. My five pullets are four months old they've gotten along great up until today. This morning I noticed that one of them had some damage to her comb. I'm not sure if it was done by one of the others overnight but the blood was dried so I cleaned...
  11. K

    Large wound on hens neck***WARNING PHOTO***

    It’s going on 4 days now since 4 of my hens were attacked, 3 of which died. The one that survived has a large open wound on the back of her neck. I’m pretty sure I interrupted whatever animal it was that was attacking my hens because the bodies were still warm and one was still alive. I...
  12. baileeb

    Baby chick wound

    Hello all. As my chicks feathers are coming in ive noticed red, almost bleeding bald spots on their backs near shoulder blades. I believe it’s from other chicks pecking at her back. Should I seperate the perpetrator? Can I put neosporin (not sure if that’s spelt right) on the effected area? This...
  13. M

    Large split in foot, not infected but need advice

    Hi all! Long time lurker here; finally gave in. I’ve got an injured hen, as the title suggests, and it began about a month ago when I noticed swelling in her foot. She had the classic plug scab for bumblefoot, so I took her to an avian vet. The vet said it looked like there had been an injury...
  14. HardyFamilyFarms

    Head injury on rooster

    We just rescued 7 roosters a few days ago and it seems that 6 of them think that the 7th is a hen. This does make sense because none of them have ever seen a hen. This poor guy has a huge hard bump on the top of his head where the other roosters keep trying to grab him when they attempt to mount...
  15. CaliFarmsAR

    Help!!! Chick with bald head.

    Hi everyone, I have a chick that keep's scratching her neck and don't knew what to do. I have tried scraping her neck to stop her from scratching..... But that did not work. I tried a silver spray that seal's the wound again it did not work. any Idea's?? PLEASE help!!!
  16. famerzellman

    Injured hen.

    Two days ago my brother found one of my hens head stuck in between the post of dog chain link fence we use for a run. She had torn her skin off all of her skin around her neck trying to get it unstuck before she was found. When I got out of work I rushed home to see what the damage was and to...
  17. SilkiesInSuburb

    Hen with super shredded backside, seems ok but not sure

    My 3 yr old hen charlie was recently beaten up by a group of pullets and had her backside almost completely skinned. We put "new-skin" on her back, it serves as a liquid bandage and scab. She has been isolated and given food and water and blankets. Breathing is normal, and she is stable on her...
  18. artsygirl

    Chicken bite by possum.

    We had a possum get in our coop yesterday and my girl got bit but we stopped it from getting any more serious. The others were just scared crazy, my poor roo is in a state. Sapphire seems good, I just want to know how I would go about keeping it clean, dressing, should I take her to the vet...
  19. Silvers

    Chicken attacked, skin ripped off

    Our Rhode Island Red hen was attacked, assumingly last night by a possum and we have discovered her just now at 6:00 p.m. There were ants crawling on it initially, but we have washed those away. She isn't lethargic, actually quite alert and eating as well as drinking a bit. Her tail and wing...
  20. Relleoms

    Hen with wound under wing

    I discovered a wound under Stella’s wing this morning while she was in the nesting box. After dark this evening, I brought her in the house to inspect further. I washed it with soap & water and then sprayed with microcynAH. She’s sleeping in a crate now, separate from the flock, but should I...
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