Also don’t feed your duckling anything but starter it’s just hatched it can’t eat worms etc flock raiser is good just make sure you use a waterer it can climb into
Ofc im holding it in a soft cloth and putting it it so it can grab food and water cause it really wants to be on its belly
Was this baby helped to hatch ?
It looks like a little yolk sac that needed to absorb
It’s most likely going to dry up and hopefully the belly closes and that falls off
Take a little antibiotic ointment ( with no pain relief)
Onky use that for a few days 1-2 times a day. Then let it harden. No bathing or swinging of any kind until that belly is cleared up
I would only use towels as bedding for now or puppy pads
No straw or shavings as they can be a bit rough
Water dishes should be the chicken waterers for first 3-4 days then small containers with holes cut in lids so the head can dunk but body stays out
It’s very important the first few weeks that they can’t swim in water dishes unsupervised even an inch deep as they can get chilled and die
I do let mine bath at day 3 or after the belly button is fully closed nicely
Bath is warm water only deep enough they can stand up
5-10 mins tops
Then dry with paper towel as it absorbs most the water
Right back under the heat source abd let them start preening.
Because he has an open belly you will need ti wait longer to do this

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