If none of your ducklings have it that could only push that it’s a male and the others females
Except that it is in the wrong place.

Drakes (male ducks) normally have no visible sexual organs.
They have a vent (where poop comes out), and the male duck's penis is inside there. It comes out for mating and goes back in. If it fails to go back in, the drake has a phallus prolapse (or various re-arrangements of the same words.) Searching these forums for that term will find many threads, some with pictures, if you want to see where it comes out.

The thing sticking out of the duckling in this thread is definitely not any kind of sexual organ for any male or female duckling. It's like if you thought a human infant was male or female because their belly button stuck out: nope, that is not the right place for that kind of creature.
How do I keep it from rolling on its belly and should I bring it inside to monitor its progress over night
If they are not mobile by the time they need put in the brooder I put them in a clear plastic Tupperware container. I set it inside the brooder so their belly stays clean. I keep a roll of that rubber drawer liner and cut a piece to put in the bottom of the Tupperware to give it more traction. I went to Sam’s and bought a pack of disposable sauce cups with lids (like the restaurants use) to set inside the Tupperware for food/water. I just keep the big pack of sauce cups with my other incubation supplies for cases like this.
If they are not mobile by the time they need put in the brooder I put them in a clear plastic Tupperware container. I set it inside the brooder so their belly stays clean. I keep a roll of that rubber drawer liner and cut a piece to put in the bottom of the Tupperware to give it more traction. I went to Sam’s and bought a pack of disposable sauce cups with lids (like the restaurants use) to set inside the Tupperware for food/water. I just keep the big pack of sauce cups with my other incubation supplies for cases like this.
To be sure I understand: this is not a way to keep ducklings on their backs or sides and off their bellies. It is just a way to be sure their bellies are kept clean, while they lay on their bellies, right?

(If I am wrong, please do correct me. I've never actually dealt with such a situation, and this thread is making me re-check some things I had previously assumed.)
If they are not mobile by the time they need put in the brooder I put them in a clear plastic Tupperware container. I set it inside the brooder so their belly stays clean. I keep a roll of that rubber drawer liner and cut a piece to put in the bottom of the Tupperware to give it more traction. I went to Sam’s and bought a pack of disposable sauce cups with lids (like the restaurants use) to set inside the Tupperware for food/water. I just keep the big pack of sauce cups with my other incubation supplies for cases like this.
that is a great idea
To be sure I understand: this is not a way to keep ducklings on their backs or sides and off their bellies. It is just a way to be sure their bellies are kept clean, while they lay on their bellies, right?

(If I am wrong, please do correct me. I've never actually dealt with such a situation, and this thread is making me re-check some things I had previously assumed.)
what kind of ekectrolytes can i give the duckling for extra neutrients???? or is water and flock raiser with brewers yeast good enough
To be sure I understand: this is not a way to keep ducklings on their backs or sides and off their bellies. It is just a way to be sure their bellies are kept clean, while they lay on their bellies, right?

(If I am wrong, please do correct me. I've never actually dealt with such a situation, and this thread is making me re-check some things I had previously assumed.)
It is case-by-case basis depending on the duckling. I have both small and larger Tupperware for different situations. If the duckling is lethargic I use a smaller one to both keep them in place and keep the cord clean. If the duckling is energetic, but unable to stabilize or stand I use a larger one because that fighting to stand is going to build those muscles and they need room for that. I have had ducklings where I start them off in a smaller Tupperware container in the brooder because they just are not actively trying to be mobile. Then I dose them with poultry cell, leave them in the smaller one overnight and the next morning they really spring to life so I graduate them to a larger Tupperware container with room to move. On the other hand I have had ducklings where I go to move them to the brooder and they are energetic from the start, but still have cord to dry up and aren’t able to stabilize themselves. For those I skip the small Tupperware and put them in the larger one right away because they need to practice learning how to walk.
It is case-by-case basis depending on the duckling. I have both small and larger Tupperware for different situations. If the duckling is lethargic I use a smaller one to both keep them in place and keep the cord clean. If the duckling is energetic, but unable to stabilize or stand I use a larger one because that fighting to stand is going to build those muscles and they need room for that. I have had ducklings where I start them off in a smaller Tupperware container in the brooder because they just are not actively trying to be mobile. Then I dose them with poultry cell, leave them in the smaller one overnight and the next morning they really spring to life so I graduate them to a larger Tupperware container with room to move. On the other hand I have had ducklings where I go to move them to the brooder and they are energetic from the start, but still have cord to dry up and aren’t able to stabilize themselves. For those I skip the small Tupperware and put them in the larger one right away because they need to practice learning how to walk.
Oh thanks mine is really active or trying to be that’s why I was concerned about it with its sack and all
Oh thanks mine is really active or trying to be that’s why I was concerned about it with its sack and all
what kind of ekectrolytes can i give the duckling for extra neutrients???? or is water and flock raiser with brewers yeast good enough

If the duckling is active and eating and drinking, I would just go with the water, flock raiser, and brewer's yeast.

But my "experience" is mostly from reading about ducks not actually raising them, so if someone with more duck experience gives different advice, do what they say. For example, @Miss Lydia knows much more than I do about ducks. If there is ever a conflict between my advice and hers about a duck, ignore me and follow her advice.

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