When it is all healed should I wait a day or two before putting it with its siblings ??? Will they be nice because today the last egg hatched and they took the new duckling fine. Also my other duck Jihyo is jealous of the time I’m spending with the others even though I still make a lot of time for her, will she start not wanting me because of this ??. Also the other ducklings are like three days old now and kinda already avoiding my hand is this normal or will they not bond with me ?? My plan is to bond with them entirely once this one heals
Sorry to not understand. How old is Jihyo and is she just a baby duck or a bigger adult duck. I got confused.
Jihyo is 5weeks old she was born on May 16th.
Yes that is a big difference in age and I would never put my newborns or younger ones in with one with that much age difference. Once these little ones get their feathers and you can do a look but not touch situation for a few days, they will probably all get along. That's just me and others may say they have done it and it was just fine. Mine would have pecked mine to death if I tried it.
Yes that is a big difference in age and I would never put my newborns or younger ones in with one with that much age difference. Once these little ones get their feathers and you can do a look but not touch situation for a few days, they will probably all get along. That's just me and others may say they have done it and it was just fine. Mine would have pecked mine to death if I tried it.
Okay thank you and yeah I definitely have kept them separate, I remember when the older ducks just a few weeks older when she was this young would try to nip her when I was walking with her. She is my princess so she is probably confused why she isn’t being pampered 24/7 as much anymore
Okay thank you and yeah I definitely have kept them separate, I remember when the older ducks just a few weeks older when she was this young would try to nip her when I was walking with her. She is my princess so she is probably confused why she isn’t being pampered 24/7 as much anymore
You are most welcome and I am glad that you realize this.
You are most welcome and I am glad that you realize this.
Yeah I named the duckling I have been working with Lucky because I thought at first it was born with its organs out so I was freaking out and was thinking of putting it to rest because I thought it would just suffer but I’m glad God stopped me and sent you all to help me
Yeah I named the duckling I have been working with Lucky because I thought at first it was born with its organs out so I was freaking out and was thinking of putting it to rest because I thought it would just suffer but I’m glad God stopped me and sent you all to help me
I have one named Lucky also that I literally peeled out of the shell as it was all gooey and then washed it off and it lived through it all. That is a good name for it for sure and God is Good.
I tried and she was fine with them one morning but then the next day she tried grabbing them by the necks and was nipping so I put them in a big box under a heat lamp with food and water. I keep trying but she doesn’t seem to like them. Here is a pick of her
Too young yet. Like Luvducks said once the ducklings are around 2-4 weeks it might work but for now just let her see them with fencing or something similar in between them so she gets used to the idea there are other ducks. She will most likely bond with them once they are older. Ducks love having ducks around them they are flock aniamls.

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