🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

It's a PITA because of the escapee hanging around the pens durning the day (Reeves cockbird) I have to set and unset the traps everyday/night...don't want to trap him!
But you still cannot catch him ?
The Reeves? Yeah, he's gone wild, in relative terms.... he will come around but won't let you get close enough to catch and is too smart to go into a recall trap. I don't have any 'empty pens', to open the door and let him go inside of the pen...so he is still free ranging! I don't think it would be right to recapture him after this long period of time. He's earning a pretty good living by himself. ;)
It's also interesting to watch and see how he reacts and gets along in the 'wild'!
I guess as long as you are good with it .. I can understand that thought
I have 5 pens with Reeves, I can afford to let 1 free range and study it's behavior in a non-confined situation.

Right or wrong, I'm sure he's happier than the confined birds. I have tried to recapture him multiple times, especially right after they escaped.
There were 3 Goldens and a Reeves hen in the pen they escaped from...both latches on the door to the pen were undone...I know I didn't leave the pen that way! Came home from work one morning to find the door wide open and only the Reeves hanging around the pen...the Goldens were nowhere to be seen? Maybe an intruder? Idk.

Anyway, the hen managed to survive for almost a year before she disappeared, he is still alive and I see him almost everyday. He comes up to the pens to socialize with the other birds but doesn't socialize with the other pens of Reeves? that's a mystery! No predators have gotten him...yet, so he is acting on his instincts to survive...interesting to observe his routine and the different places he chooses to roost each night...never twice in the same place each night. Haven't gotten to observe what he's finding to eat on his own, how he's finding water etc...I do put out feed and water, but he rarely visits the stations. I've had other pheasants escape but either they traveled away or got taken by predators. This is a learning experince! and not by design.
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