🕷Insect/Arachnid Raisers and Caretakers🦋

Currently have two Curlyhair Tarantulas, Heidi and Mighty Spidey. :D
Thanks! I believe so. I'm not experienced with sexing tarantulas, but Heidi was sold to us as a female (haven't tried to verify) and I believe Mighty is also a female. We've had Mighty since she was a one-inch-long sling.
I do not know about that breed, but females have larger abdomens than the males. In some breeds the males have more vibrant colors as well.
I work as an entomologist, so I have raised all kinds of critters over the years. I currently have a handful of caterpillars for a work project, and I keep a mealworm colony for chicken treats. My only real invertebrate "pets" are the tiny freshwater shrimp in my aquarium. They are a ton of fun to watch and very easy to care for!
I do not know about that breed, but females have larger abdomens than the males. In some breeds the males have more vibrant colors as well.
Oh yeah, I kind of forgot about that, thanks! I also ventral sexed Mighty so I think I can confidently say she is a female...which is great because females live way longer!

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