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I see abstract art as more of an art piece that someone would make if they wanted to make art but didn't have the drive to push the extra bit and make a real piece of art.
I see most abstract art a little differently. There are abstract artists who know how to use their skills to make something beautiful. There are seemingly random patterns in nature which can be stunning and some abstract art can resemble those patterns. I have tried abstract art and it was a lot harder than I anticipated. It takes skill to create an interesting and cohesive piece.
I see most abstract art a little differently. There are abstract artists who know how to use their skills to make something beautiful. There are seemingly random patterns in nature which can be stunning and some abstract art can resemble those patterns. I have tried abstract art and it was a lot harder than I anticipated. It takes skill to create an interesting and cohesive piece.
I unfortunately habe never seen the appeal of abstract art. That is me though, I am not speaking for others!
I have some very VERY pointed opinions about this topic which I will not share. Suffice it to say that just because a person does not understand a piece of abstract art, does not mean there is not a meaning behind it to the artist. They often spend weeks or months working on a piece just like any "real" artist does.

Making assumptions about art is how you lose your own perspective.
I like abstract art for the most part. The colors, texture, and the thought that those are closer to what I can do if I want to paint than the portraits and landscapes that a lot of people consider real paintings
I understand! I have done abstract before and I do find it to be somewhat mind numbing and calming. No worrying about paint being out of the lines or something.

That is the only plus I can think of for abstract. Maybe someday I will find a piece I like!
Does anyone else here have a pet that sheds their fur like crazy and they always find it in their art or something?

Whenever I paint, I find at least one of my puppy's fur on my paint brush, in my freshly mixed paint, or paint I just put on my canvas.

How does my dog do this?! 😭
Does anyone else here have a pet that sheds their fur like crazy and they always find it in their art or something?

Whenever I paint, I find at least one of my puppy's fur on my paint brush, in my freshly mixed paint, or paint I just put on my canvas.

How does my dog do this?! 😭
Worse. I get tiny little flying bugs. The shed from the dog is pretty coarse hair (aussie) so it doesn't usually end up floating around on the air currents in the house. But those annoying little flies and moths invariably always land in a wet pour overnight, get trapped, then drag themselves over the canvas for several inches until they die and end up as part of the scenery.

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