1 1/2 yr old hen and 9 week old baby hard time walking


Sep 16, 2024
Please help! I have a hen that is a year and a half old and a chick that is 9 weeks old walking like this. The hen started to slightly limp about a month ago and I looked at her foot and saw the little scab that made me think bumble foot so I treated her and she kept getting worse to the point she wouldn’t move her left leg at all so I separated her from the flock for about a week and she slightly moves it but still does not walk on it. I moved her leg around and took a look at it and it doesn’t seem like it’s broken or anything (she is not phased at all when I touch it or move it). When I separated I gave her fresh food and put probiotics and electrolytes in her water. Now about a week ago my 9 week old chick we hatched started to limp very slightly with her right leg so I separated her also and gave her the same supplements but she is now walking like this…any ideas? I’m so worried for them! The rest of my flock is perfectly healthy! The video shows both of them. They free rang all day every day and have been eating and drinking fine but obviously without being able to walk very good they don’t free range as much and kinda just hang out in the run.I also noticed with the baby when I try to bend her right leg there is a little resistance and she curls her toes. And on the hen her joint is a little swollen it’s the leg on the left in this picture for the hen and then the right leg for the baby. I just started to give baby poultry nutri-drench yesterday. I know Merricks disease is a possibility but I feel like I would have more hens with this if it’s been going on for about a month and the hen started to use her foot a tad more after separating her. Please help!!!


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To me, they both walk like they are injured. Have they been attacked or the legs pulled somehow?

I'd start them both on vitamin therapy. Give them each a 1/4 tablet of B-Complex once daily.

I'd also feed both of them chick starter or an all flock feed.
To me, they both walk like they are injured. Have they been attacked or the legs pulled somehow?

I'd start them both on vitamin therapy. Give them each a 1/4 tablet of B-Complex once daily.

I'd also feed both of them chick starter or an all flock feed.
Just regular b complex I can buy at the grocery store or is there a certain kind for poultry? I just started giving them nutri-drench but that doesn’t look like there is vitamin b in it! Thank you for your help! I was hoping not Merricks being I feel as though I would have more infected hens with it if this hs been going on for about a month now so I am keeping my fingers crossed. The hen is my roosters favorite so I started putting a saddle on her to protect her so it’s possible somehow he injured her. As far as the baby goes my Guinea hens sometimes pick on her so that’s a possibility but I haven’t seen them do anything lately but they free range all day so endless possibilities with them. Thank you for you help
Just regular b complex I can buy at the grocery store or is there a certain kind for poultry? I just started giving them nutri-drench but that doesn’t look like there is vitamin b in it! Thank you for your help! I was hoping not Merricks being I feel as though I would have more infected hens with it if this hs been going on for about a month now so I am keeping my fingers crossed. The hen is my roosters favorite so I started putting a saddle on her to protect her so it’s possible somehow he injured her. As far as the baby goes my Guinea hens sometimes pick on her so that’s a possibility but I haven’t seen them do anything lately but they free range all day so endless possibilities with them. Thank you for you help
Yes, regular B-Complex you find at the grocery, Walmart, CVS, etc.

Poultry Nutri-Drench does have B1 (Thiamine) but not any of the other B's if I remember correctly.

You're wanting B2(Riboflavin) along with the B1 and others, so B-Complex is the way to go.

Does the rooster still have access to the hen? If he does, then I'd consider sectioning off a part of the run for the chick and hen to be in for a while to see if they heal by limiting activity and by not being mounted by the rooster (sometimes roosters chase too) and/or being picked on, etc. Give them both a break from free roaming, get the vitamins into them and see if they heal up.
Yes, regular B-Complex you find at the grocery, Walmart, CVS, etc.

Poultry Nutri-Drench does have B1 (Thiamine) but not any of the other B's if I remember correctly.

You're wanting B2(Riboflavin) along with the B1 and others, so B-Complex is the way to go.

Does the rooster still have access to the hen? If he does, then I'd consider sectioning off a part of the run for the chick and hen to be in for a while to see if they heal by limiting activity and by not being mounted by the rooster (sometimes roosters chase too) and/or being picked on, etc. Give them both a break from free roaming, get the vitamins into them and see if they heal up.
I didn't do the math, but I think giving Poultry Cell directly to the chick/chicken is probably close. What do you think?

  • Thiamine (Vitamin B-1): 60 mg
  • Niacinamide: 50 mg
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6): 10 mg
  • Folic Acid: 10 mg
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2): 28 mg
I just started giving them nutri-drench
I didn't do the math, but I think giving Poultry Cell directly to the chick/chicken is probably close. What do you think?

  • Thiamine (Vitamin B-1): 60 mg
  • Niacinamide: 50 mg
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6): 10 mg
  • Folic Acid: 10 mg
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2): 28 mg
OP is giving Poultry NUTRI-DRENCH.

What you are showing is POULTRY CELL.


Yes, regular B-Complex you find at the grocery, Walmart, CVS, etc.

Poultry Nutri-Drench does have B1 (Thiamine) but not any of the other B's if I remember correctly.

You're wanting B2(Riboflavin) along with the B1 and others, so B-Complex is the way to go.

Does the rooster still have access to the hen? If he does, then I'd consider sectioning off a part of the run for the chick and hen to be in for a while to see if they heal by limiting activity and by not being mounted by the rooster (sometimes roosters chase too) and/or being picked on, etc. Give them both a break from free roaming, get the vitamins into them and see if they heal up.
Thank you so much for all of your help! Just started everything today!

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