1 yr old silver appleyard Prolapse 😥

Blossom laid another perfect egg and was not leaking so i put her outside, but this morning after laying her egg then i saw her with the vent prolapsed again but this time only about half as far out. so i caught her and took care of it again and she’s back inside.

what else can i do . i read that a vet will stitch around the vent but i can’t do a vet.

i also read maybe apply prep H or cortisone cream note that it’s back inside just apply it to the vent area? to help tighten up the tissue?

Also - i’m thinking of giving her an antibiotic? maybe amoxicillin?
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You also need to place her in semi darkness to try and get her to stop laying. Cortisone cream has been rec for a drake prolapse May work on Blossom
ok i try to make it darker . i was thinking also to try to make her go broody? i found this
i read somewhere someone put a bunch of eggs under their duck that was prolapsing to make her broody and stop laying and it worked. but i only have non-fertilized eggs. will they rot and explode? what if i hard boiled them first?
You could try to make her go broody, or do an implant to stop her laying, though during the summer this only lasts a month or so. I have had a runner who prolapsed and then continued to prolapse each time she pooped. We were both exhausted and traumatized after a couple days of putting it back in each time. I finally used a giant band-aid bandage and put it over her butt, and this held in the prolapse. Poop shot out the side of the bandage and I replaced it many times, by cutting it off, not pulling the sticky part off her feathers. After several days she was good to go and I returned her outside. It was only the following spring when she started laying again that she prolapsed again, and then I put her down after trying a couple days because I couldn't stand to see her suffer. I hate to be discouraging, and so many people on here seem to be able to fix it, but for some animals it's just bad genetics.
You could try to make her go broody, or do an implant to stop her laying, though during the summer this only lasts a month or so. I have had a runner who prolapsed and then continued to prolapse each time she pooped. We were both exhausted and traumatized after a couple days of putting it back in each time. I finally used a giant band-aid bandage and put it over her butt, and this held in the prolapse. Poop shot out the side of the bandage and I replaced it many times, by cutting it off, not pulling the sticky part off her feathers. After several days she was good to go and I returned her outside. It was only the following spring when she started laying again that she prolapsed again, and then I put her down after trying a couple days because I couldn't stand to see her suffer. I hate to be discouraging, and so many people on here seem to be able to fix it, but for some animals it's just bad genetics.
thanks so much for your input , Im sorry about your sweet girl :hugs

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