10 week old EE pullet or cockerel?

Ok, question....you helped me with understanding why my EE was in fact a Black Sexlink....and this black/brown pullet looks similar to my girl? Except that this girls head is ALL black (which is Sooooo cool btw) and her neck area feathers have a larger area of gold /copper color, but her body looks very similar to my pullet? And the lady said she thinks this pullet has a pea comb, but from the pictures it looks like the comb my pullet has. So why isn't this pullet a BSL? And, in just trying to learn the VERY subtle differences, please don't think I'm arguing. Lol...hard to tell thru messages, since you can't hear my voice:) I'm just very curious and trying to figure this all out. Chicken's, who knew they could be so mysterious, lol
Anyways, thank you, Jacquie
Well, her girl has more of a mixed feather pattern (notice it changes, full black head, copper coloring which turns into almost lacing). Also her face seems to have slightly muffed cheeks which BSLs don't have. I can't tell from the pictures what comb it has but since "EEs" aren't a recognized breed combs don't matter as much. Don't worry trying to figure out breed differences and possibilities is good, I've been looking into it ever since I started raising my girls. But out of all the most confusing breed I think the whole Rhode Island Red or Production red question and the what is an Easter Egger question are the most confusing and harder to figure out, I'm still struggling with it.

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