10x10 dog kennel as open coop tips

If this helps....we just finished a coop/run for my youngest son using the 10x10 kennel (although we set it up as a 5 x 15 for him); he purchased his hardware cloth off amazon.com; got a 36 inch x 50 foot roll for a few cents under $60 with free shipping. It was shipped very quickly to him.

He likes using amazon because of the free shipping. This price was better than what we have used in the past (Wayfair) and for any prices at our local big box stores.

"amazon.com; got a 36 inch x 50 foot roll for a few cents under $60 with free shipping" I do love amazon ... never been much of a fan of wayfair myself

thanks ... that does help!
The gap by the hinges should be covered on both sides so they can't get their heads stuck when the gate is opened & closed.
Is their coop open air also? I see the title of the post, but not a description of the coop.
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the kennel is going to be their open coop ... and thanks ... will make sure they cant get their cute lil heads stuck
Our eggers are in a 10x10 dog lot- we used metal roofing to cover it (we put about 9" slope on it) and since our predators are raccoons and possums, the chain link keeps them out- to prevent the chicks or adults from putting their heads out- we use screens on the inside held in place by large binder clips.

Our coop is a 5x5 elevated on 30" legs with a ramp for the birds to have access- we have roosting poles suspended from the roof supports. It has done well for us for 4 yrs now- the roof sure makes for a dry pen LOL..
sounds nice! we have also decided to slope a metal roof to cover it

I like your idea "to prevent the chicks or adults from putting their heads out- we use screens on the inside held in place by large binder clips."
Use posts inside to make several roost bars at different heights. You want the roosts away from the sides so no fence climbers can reach in a grab a sleeping bird. Also, I haven't seen any discussion of rain and wind protection... I am in FL, too, and we do get some bitter winds...I had to work in them, so I know it can get dang cold, and the chickens feathers cannot keep them warm if it is windy, especially if they get wet. Heavy duty tarp (silver on one side, brown on the other) will provide shade, rain and wind protection.

here it is today with my 7-8 wk old barred rocks... who appear to be LOVIN it!

completely covered with hardware cloth, stays nice and dry in the back in the rain and has PLENTY of ventilation

as you can see the hardware cloth also comes out from the bottom 18" to deter predators from digging under , which is wired to the bottom of the cage.

This was the first day the chicks stayed out over night ... and I was comfy and pretty sure they were very safe.

Thanks for all the tips and suggestions :)

Here they are, happy in their new home


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