11 week old Easter egger: pullet or cockerel?


Free Ranging
Jul 13, 2020
Southern Arizona
We bought two golden EEs together when they were one day old. They are 11 weeks now and both are supposed to be females but they look very different.

Sorry about the photo quality. My roommate's out of town and I didn't have anyone to hold her/him for me so I did the best I could from outside the coop. I thought they'd be a little more sedate at night but they never stop moving when I'm around (they always think they're getting treats, hm, I wonder why? 🤔). The other thirteen kept photo bombing and I got a ton of hilariously bad photos. I picked the best ones I could.

At the bottom is one photo of the other (female) EE for comparison.

roo-1 - Copy.png

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