Chicken Breed Focus - Scots Dumpy


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
The Scots Dumpy is a Scottish breed, deriving it's name from it's country of origin and the moniker "dumpy", meaning short and stout, referring to the breed's thick-set appearance and extremely short legs. Through history they have been known under a host of other names such as: Bakies, Stumpies, Dadlies, Hoodies, or Creepies.

The short-legged nature of the Dumpy is determined by a single dominant instance of the creeper Cp allele, which has a dwarfing effect on the legs and wings. Unfortunately, two instances of this dominant allele are lethal. Therefore, a short legged "creeper fowl" like the Dumpy, will have one instance of the Cp allele and a matching non-dwarfing recessive cp allele. When breeding this gives rise to a differential outcome. Where two short legged creepers are bred together the arithmetic of the allele combination will result in 50% Cpcp (short legged creepers), 25% cpcp (normal legged creepers) and 25% CpCp (which have the self-terminating lethal combination). The nature of the lethality is that the chicks die in the shell prior to hatching. To avoid a predetermined 25% dead in the shell occurrence a long legged bird can be crossed with a short legged bird. This will give rise to a 50% split in short legged and normal legged offspring.

The dwarf nature of the legs does not appear to have any actual disadvantages to the birds in their native context, and flocks have been known to survive with natural selection situations where normal supposition would presume that the long legged offspring would have more advantages for survival.

They are classed as an endangered breed by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.


Purpose: Dual
Egg production: 180 eggs annually
Egg colour: Off-white, tinted
Recognised Varieties: Brown, Cuckoo, Gold, Silver, Black, White

Pic by @Matilda hen

Pic by @Matilda hen

Pic by @Matilda hen

Pic by @maralpz2006

BYC Breed Discussions:

Do you own Scots Dumpies? Are you a Scots Dumpy breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

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Very unique! I may be showing my ignorance, but I have never seen a color pattern like the brown rooster before. I assume it is what they call the brown variety. Can anybody tell me how you would describe that color pattern?
Wow! Totally want one
cute chicks!!!
Does anybody have a picture of a long legged Scots Dumpy? Just would like to see one out of curiousity.
. .
. . She ii the only one hatched, i think she has regular leg but im not really sure she walks different than the other but she is one month old , i have to wait a little more to see

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