12+ guinea eggs Pics ADDED

Can you tell a boy from a girl when grown? They all look the same to me in the pictures you have posted (or are those all girls?).
hey chcikenlittle what is the incubation time with these eggs??
Also, do their eggs taste like chicken eggs and are they the same size? I may be able to talk my DH into these if that's the case, plus the whole tick thing!
I know somebody who has guineas. Hers just kind of warble (funny noise - I wouldn't call it a scream)when you come up to the gate. Once you are in the yard they don't really notice you any more and are
quiet. I only hear them once when I visit her place - when I come up to the gate.
Boys make a one syllable sound...girls a two syllable...also by the wattles...boys are bigger....

Just asked my boys how the eggs tasted....(hafta ask them because they are the ones that eat them quickly lol)....and they all say goooooood! haha

The sound doesn't bother me at all...like brindle said...it really isn't a scream....actually lower in decibal than a rooster....(well...unless they all start at once...could get liittle loud) but it isn't continuously....
Less than 10 hrs left!!!!

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