13 hens... yet 29 eggs a day. Suspicious?

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I'm not a stalker, but noticed her last post was 11/28...is it possible she drowned in her abundance of eggs?

In all sincerity, I had 2 New Hampshires I bought from McMurray hatchery that I kept in a breeding pen with a BCM roo. They would lay 2 eggs one day, 4 eggs the next (6 eggs in 2 days from 2 girls). They did this for 2 months straight. Each egg had a normal shell, and were normal size. I ended up selling the girls to make room in the coop. Their daughters (we hatched and kept 4 of them) are 9 months old. They each lay one egg a day...faithfully. They have not taken a break since they all started laying this summer. So do I believe the OP's story of 29 eggs from 13 hens? Only from my own experience, I find it absolutely plausible.
But I'd still like to hear from the OP if it was a hoax!
Perhaps the original poster is the prankster, lol
You know: How do you keep BYC forum members in suspense....?

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