13 hens... yet 29 eggs a day. Suspicious?

Any word yet, still waiting to here the outcome! LOL
Oh Good Grief!
I just read through 13 pages to get the whole story, and now the OP has disappeared?! The first 3 minutes were entertaining anyway...total waste of the last 12.
Hello everyone! I apologize for keeping everyone waiting. I've been so busy with everything lately. I seriously don't think this is a prank. I have stayed up all night watching the coop and didn't see anything suspicious and I have marked all of our eggs. Our highest egg number since my last post was 25 total eggs on November 28. And I must add this last clue to my never ending mystery: my flock of 5 Japanese Bantams (4 hens and a roo) are kept in a completely separate coop away from the 13 laying hens. None of my Japanese Bantams have started laying and they're 7 months old! Could this have anything to do with the mystery?
I don't understand what the bantams not laying has to do with it? Unless you were suggesting that the bantams are laying and hiding them with the big girls eggs? It sure would be great to really document so many hens laying more than 1 egg per day.
what the heck do you feed them?
do you live on the equatpor? I thought it was impossible for a chickens body to produce that much calcium and everything else that is involved in an egg.

it is impossible
prank....or hoak.....are some of the other eggs bantam size....being removed and add to the other nest.

someone is adding the eggs.......oh a lock...i can pick easy .or remove the pin from the latch....

nice prank even got some oh here thinking hens laying 2 and 3 eggs aday.

happy on here before it was a BIL doing it....place a pcs of scott tape on the coop door, bet you will find it broken the next time you have extra eggs.

Oh tell nobody about the tape......let us know who you catch........
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for those getting two eggs aday from a hen....you will find both were not layed within 24 hours.

now it has happen but one will be more likely soft shell.

13 hens layed 29 eggs in aday............REALLY
the most i have heard of is 2 eggs a day coz one of my hens have laid 2 slightly smaller eggs in the same day only when they were in their first yr but after that the hens just completely stopped for 3 munths then i wormed them and bang i had no idea wat to do with the eggs wow lol and garlic and cayenne pepper are the best sort of kick starter for eggs production and my isa brown laid evryday for 3 munths in her second yr and nwo is laying almost evryday thru her moult she is the wonder hen omg lol and she doesnt just loose all her feathers at once she replaces them slowly so she is neva naked just mottled and extremely pretty lol i jus tthough i would tell some while were talking about awesome hens lol and then wait for it almost 3 munths ago she brooded and omg she was protective she stayed protective over them even though she was layin wow lol
lol....I am loving this one. Oh you poor thing. There must be another BYC'er that lives close to you or some old timer farmer friend getting a good laugh out if this one. This is the classic way the old timers get a good old fashioned belly laugh. At any rate..this is the way it works (period) 1 hen = 1 egg per day if your lucky. 95% of the time though 4 hens = 3 eggs per day. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but anything different is physically impossible for a chicken. Time for a hidden game camera it looks like.

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